Chapter Twenty Three

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I am so so so sorry this took so long to be updated. Life kind of got in the way - But I now have a dislocated ankle and I'm stuck at home, so yayay. Updates. 

For those of you still with me, enjoy :) As usual, any mistakes you find feel free to point out, and I'll fix them later. :)



Sunlight filtering in through the curtains was what woke me from a peaceful sleep. I shifted slightly, still drowsy, before stiffening as a tanned arm tightened around my waist. For a few moments in my sleepy state, I was confused as to why there was someone in my bed with me before remembering what had occurred last night. In my defence, another person still being around to be in the same bed as me in the morning happens very rarely.

Moving slowly to prevent disturbing Todd and waking him up, I rolled over until our faces were millimeters apart, so close that I could almost count each eyelash. I smiled at the sight of Todd sleeping peacefully, his face lax and without that defensive air that he seems to put on around most people. I lifted my hand up to brush a lock of brown hair from where it had fallen onto his closed eye, before cupping his cheek and gently rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone. I took a moment to study his features, finding myself charmed by the slight dusting of freckles over his nose. Feeling slightly cheesy - and almost hearing Sebastian in the back of my mind asking what chick flick I learned it from - I leaned forward slightly and brushed a light kiss on the top of his nose.

I couldn't stop the small huff of laughter that escaped as Todd's nose twitched in reaction and a rush of affection hit me so hard I practically felt my chest swell. I moved forward again and hovered my lips over his, tempted to wake him up with kisses. Pausing before making contact, I shook my head before slowly rolling back over and climbing out of bed, turning back to ensure Todd was sufficiently covered in blankets before making my way downstairs. If I'm lucky enough to kiss him again, it will be with him awake to agree to it. I already know how sensitive he seems to be about this kind of thing, I'm not going to screw us up again.

I glanced at the time, surprised to see that it was past ten in the morning. Cocking my head and listening, I realised that aside from the two of us, the house was completely empty. Weird. It's a Saturday. Both mom and Emily should be around somewhere. Frowning, I wandered into the kitchen and my eyes immediately were drawn to the white sheet of paper on the counter. I walked over and picked it up, leaning on the counter to read the message written on it.


Got called into work early – someone called in sick and one of the patients requires full time care right now. Dropped Emily off to a friend's for the day – you looked comfortable so I didn't want to disturb you - I snorted with amusement and rolled my eyes at the badly drawn winky face at the end of the sentence. It's true though... I was pretty comfortable – I should be home around 3pm. Love you.

Mom xx

I placed the note back on the counter before opening the fridge. I wonder if Todd likes breakfast in bed. Thinking of Todd makes another surge of strong affection rush through me, making me pause what I was doing. I know I've had a bit of a crush on him for a little while... Okay, a long while. Just seeing him has given me butterflies for the better part of the past two years, and even before that I was strangely obsessed with being his friend. Isn't it a little early in the relationship to be feeling this intensely about someone though? It's definitely way too early to use the 'L' word... I could almost imagine Todd running for the hills if I dropped the L bomb on him.

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