Chapter Fifteen

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I am a horrible, horrible chapter hoarder. This probably will be the last chapter I post until Friday - I have two assignments due this week and I am procrastinating so hard right now. D: 

This chapter refers to hospitals and illnesses, so if it upsets anyone I'm really sorry.

Enjoy? :)




I stood in a corner of the hospital room, staring sadly at the figure lying in the bed. Luka avoided my eyes, his fingers picking at a gross looking sandwich that one of the nurses had brought in for him. The silence stretched on for several minutes, and I could see that he was getting progressively more agitated.

His head finally jerked up and he glared at me, his grey eyes glinting challengingly. There it was. He may not show it often, but Luka has a lot of courage and determination and I'd hate to see that light stamped out. He's incredibly shy, heck I'd even describe him as timid and scared of everything, but as soon as he feels like someone he cares about is being upset or hurt, or even he himself is feeling cornered, all the stubbornness and attitude comes out to play.

"I don't understand why you didn't tell anyone." I said, studying his fat lip. He narrowed his eyes at me, before sighing and looking down at the sandwich again.

"I told you Jaydn. I fell down the stairs." Luka said tiredly.

"Fell, or you were pushed?" I asked offhandedly, studying my nails.

"Fell!" Luka snapped.

"Okay then. I still want to know why you didn't tell anyone." I said, moving around the bed to in the little chair that hospital rooms always seem to have.

"There was nothing to tell Jaydn! No one pushed me, I wasn't being bullied. Sometimes these things just happen!" Luka said through gritted teeth.

"Not what I meant. Why didn't you tell anyone how hurt you were?"

"I'm not that hurt. It's nothing. I didn't think anything of it." Luka said, pushing his plate of food onto the small shelf beside the bed. I stared at him, taking in all the bruises I could see forming on his small body behind the hospital gown.

"Luka, a broken rib isn't exactly 'nothing'." I replied drily. He scowled at me and was opening his mouth to reply, when a nurse walked in.

"Hi Luka. We're going to need to keep you in overnight. We just have a few extra tests to run." She said gently. My eyebrows shot up curiously. What extra tests? Luka paled and shook his head.

"I can't stay overnight. I'm needed at home." Luka said frantically, looking close to tears. The nurse looked at him sadly for a few seconds before turning to address me.

"Hi. Can you give us some privacy for a little while? Maybe come back in about twenty?" She said quietly. I nodded, standing up and giving Luka a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" Luka sniffed and nodded, avoiding my eyes.

I sighed sadly and headed down to the hospitals little cafeteria and gift shop area to find something to eat. I stood waiting in line and staring absentmindedly at the brown hair of the guy standing in front of me. I snapped to attention as the line moved forward and the guy started ordering his meal. He sounds very familiar –

"Logan?" I asked curiously, prepared to laugh it off if it was the wrong person. Logan turned around and grimaced. I frowned at him, taking in the bags under his eyes.

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