Chapter Twenty-One

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Hey lovelies! 

Sorry for the extra long wait - Fortunately, I have finished my double degree (Finally!) and now I have a butt-ton of extra writing time, so uploads will be a bit more frequent. Updates will now begin coming as soon as I finish chapters, whether that be three times a day or once every couple of days depending on my writing mood. I will aim for at least one every week, however.

As usual, feedback is ALWAYS welcome, and I appreciate it when any spelling mistakes or plot inconsistencies (merlin forbid!) are pointed out. Messages are delightful. I enjoy them. Any question you have feel free to message me - Don't expect plot reveals though. I'd love to know any thoughts on what you think is going to happen, what you like so far, don't like so far, thoughts about characters, so don't be shy. These things make me all warm and fuzzily inside, even if it's about something you don't like ;)

Thanks for reading! :D xox



I entered the living room behind Jesse, dropping his hand with a blush when Parker looked over at us and winked with a grin. Jesse glanced back at me with a slight frown before smiling and wandering over to Miles, who leaned in close to whisper to him as he sat down.

I jumped as Ryder suddenly tapped me on the shoulder, jerking his head over to the corner where Parker was waiting with a grin. I walked over to them as loud laughter filled the room and I glanced around to see Julian pushed onto his back and pinned there by Sebastian's leg. Sebastian pulled the controller out of Julian's hands while he was distracted and shoved it under the couch before whooping with victory as he continued playing Mario Kart with Julian scowling and struggling under his weight.

"Did you two sort yourselves out?" I heard Ryder ask, and I wrenched my eyes away from the drama unfolding to look at him.

"What?" I asked stupidly before my brain clicked on to what he was asking.

"You and Jesse. Did you two figure everything out?" Ryder asked patiently. I frowned, thinking back on our brief conversation that didn't really involve much actual conversation. Sebastian drew my attention again as he whooped with victory again and let a ruffled, irritated Julian slowly sit back up.

"I guess so." I mumbled in response and Ryder sighed.

"You two didn't actually talk about anything did you?" He asked, frowning at me in disapproval. I shrugged in response. Parker frowned at me at me as well.

"Even I know that relationships need communication Todd, and I don't have them." Ryder said. Parker nodded slowly at that, before leaning forward at picking up an opened can of coke from the snack table.

"Did you at least talk about why you told him you weren't gay at your house the other day? I mean, that would be a good starting point." Parker suggested before taking a sip of the drink. I shook my head and Ryder sighed again.

"If I told him that, I'd have to talk about father, and if I talk about him, I'd need to talk about what happened with mom and... I'm not ready for that." I mumbled. Ryder's brown eyes softened a bit and he nodded in understanding. Parker tapped the top of his drink absentmindedly as he stared at the table, looking thoughtful.

"So what did you say to make him be willing to give you another chance after you hurt him?" Parker asked curiously and I winced at the reminder, while Ryder glared at him.

"I gave him flowers and said I'd be nice to Miles." I mumbled, blushing as Parkers smile grew into a grin. He raised a hand and clutched at his chest.

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