Mission/Battle at the Museum

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Narrator's POV

The Autobots, Eva, Neziha and Noah are heading towards the museum to retrieve the Transwarp Key and Noah, Eva and Neziha were riding with Mirage as they were having a conversation. "So y'all are robots that transform into cars, even though you're from way out in space. But now there's this key that opens a portal back to your home?" Noah said and then Eva says "And you know this because there's a beacon light in the sky that we can't see because we're human" and Mirage replied with, "You both say that like it's weird".

"It's super weird/Literally weird" Noah and Eva both said in unison while Eva made sure that Neziha was comfortable as he was sleeping in Eva's lap and then Mirage says "You know what's weird? Marky Mark is leaving the Funky Bunch! I heard he's just gonna pursue acting now. That's crazy!" and Noah had a peeved look on his face as he started to ask "What? How does that even-" but was interrupted by Mirage saying "What a world".

Noah then said "Whatever, man. I'm just trying to collect this money and get your angry-ass boss off Earth before he blows a gasket" and this Eva smack Noah on his arm as she scolded him "Noah!" and then Mirage says "Don't take it personal. He just misses home. And I think he blames himself for us getting stuck here. Earth was supposed to be a pit stop, you know? A place for us to regroup and rejoin the war back home. Prime feels like it's his fault we've been stranded here, like he has to fix it all on his own" and this made Eva frown at this before going into deep thought as she thought to herself 'Optimus thinks that this is his fault that they're stuck here?' and then without thinking, blurted out in a soft tone "I know how it feels.." and this made Mirage ask questionably "What do you mean by that, lady?" and Eva looks at the radio and was about to say something when they heard Arcee speaking "All right, team, heads up. There's security up ahead".

"Nice! This is going to be fun, man" Mirage exclaimed and then Noah starts to say "No, bro, you need to switch it up. You need to turn into a helicopter or a speedboat or something" and Mirage said "I got something way better than that" and then Eva says with a slight smirk "And you're going to need my help for this one cuz I got an idea" and then Mirage asked "What's the plan then, lady?".

Soon Mirage, disguised as a dump truck makes it to the gateway of Ellis Island. A security guard saw Eva, who was 'driving' and she looked at him, tilted her cap as she gave a simple nod and a friendly smile, making the security guard open the entrance and Mirage drives in while Noah, who was ducking down on the passenger side says to both Eva and Mirage "Good call".

Meanwhile with the other Autobots

Optimus walks forward with Bumblebee and Arcee behind him while he says as he looks at the beacon light "I do not like this plan" and Arcee says "Yeah, Mirage isn't really known for being quiet".

"At least Mirage is one of us. We should not be relying on a human" Optimus says and this made Bumblebee look at him and said "::They are my friends::" and Optimus replied to him "I know one was good to you, Bee, but this is not our world. The humans will always protect what is theirs. We can only trust our own kind" and Bumblebee looks back at him and argues back as he used an audio clip from 'A Few Good Men' "::You can't handle the truth!::" and Optimus looks at him and says "I do not want you going to that drive-in theater anymore" and this made Bumblebee sulk.

"Though, I must say, this human, known as Eva seems to be different from the other human known as Noah. She didn't seem afraid, but rather calm about the situation.. almost as if she wasn't afraid of us at all" Arcee said as she remembered seeing Eva not being afraid of them and this made Bumblebee nod his helm in agreement. Optimus didn't say anything as he continued to stare at the museum, but his thoughts were on Eva after his encounter with her and that Arcee mentioned her name and her calming nature, surprisingly.

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