Meeting the Maximals

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Narrator's POV

The human group had managed to slowly make their way out of the cave and then Noah says softly "I hear water" and this made both Neziha and Eva smiled when they heard the sound of water flowing down stream catches their ears and the smell of grass after rain fills their nose. Quickly moving out, they see that they're in a jungle as they come across a small stream flowing with a large canopy covering them. "Where are we?" Elena questions sounding a little frightened at the new surroundings and then Eva suddenly hissed in pain as she almost lost her balance if it wasn't for Noah and Neziha quickly catching her. "Mommy/Eva!" the group said in worry before Noah noticed Eva clutching her wounded side and muttered "Oh, shit..." and Neziha looked like he was ready to cry for a moment before glaring at the wound and says "Noah, get some rags from the backpack. Elena, water".

Noah nods as he goes through Eva's bag and pulls out two rags and passes a rag to Elena, who quickly takes it and goes to the stream and soaks it while Noah gives Neziha a medkit and Elena comes back with the wet rag as she says "Here" and Neziha thanks her before he takes off the blood-soaked bandage and gently starts cleaning the blood off before gently blowing to dry up quickly before he pours some alcohol on the second rag and starts cleaning the wound, making Eva hiss a little. "Eva?" Elena asked in worry, but Eva gave her a small smile of reassurance and says "I'm okay. I've been through worse" and Noah looks at her before asking "What could be worse than this?" and Eva looks him before saying something that shocked the trio.

"Try going on a mission with three broken ribs and a twisted, bruised arm while still recovering"

It was quiet for a moment before they exclaimed in complete shock and disbelief "WHAT?!!!!".

Eva winced a little from the loud voices before saying "I'll explain later" and then Neziha had finished wrapping the bandage around Eva's wound and says "Done!" and after that, Elena and Noah both helped Eva up while making sure that she was okay and then they started going through the king body of water with Neziha getting a piggyback ride from Eva; despite her being injured. Suddenly they hear animal noises coming towards them and this caused the group to look around in worry while they made it to the other side of the stream as Elena asks "What was that?".

And while carefully moving up to a large rock formation, Eva sensed that something was coming towards them as she quickly put Neziha behind her while activating her arm blade and had her wrist gun ready as this made Noah push Elena to hide behind him as he points out his gun around. Then they all backed up when a giant robotic gorilla burst out from the foliage and pounds the earth beneath him and roars loudly while aggressively pounding his chest before staring down at Eva, Noah and Elena as he didn't notice Neziha yet since Eva was hiding him.

"Who are you?! And why are you hunting for the key?" He asked in a animalistic and mechanical voice as he glared down at them, making Eva glare back as she was in her stance while Noah was aiming his wrist-mounted blaster at him and then Neziha poked his head out from behind Eva as he stares at the maximal with a little fear, but mostly curiosity. And that's when the robotic gorilla finally noticed Neziha as his eyes slightly widened to see a very young child with them.

"Yo, Donkey Kong! Stay away from my friends!" Mirage, who appeared at the top of a cliff, pointing his blaster at the giant robotic gorilla along with Bumblebee as well. "Uh, Mirage!" Noah yelled as he looked between Mirage and the huge robotic gorilla in front of the group. "Don't worry! Ya boy's got this!" Mirage said while he had one of his servos up in reassurance and then Eva looked somewhere else and noticed some movement, making her eyes widened before she yelled out "MIRAGE, LOOK OUT!!" but it was too late when a giant cheetah pounces out of the bushes and on top of Mirage, making him squeal like a girl while Bumblebee let out a whirl of surprise before pointing his gun at the cheetah. "AAAAAHHHHH! STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!" Mirage screamed, making Eva look at him dumbfounded as she was trying her hardest to not smile or laugh while Neziha quickly covered his mouth to muffle his laugh.

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