Chased by Terrorcons

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Narrator's POV

Now down below in the lively festival, it is filled with dancers, singers, musicians and people everywhere that have a lot of colors on.

Optimus positions himself in his truck mode and says "I am in position" and then Mirage says "Alright, coast is clear" and meanwhile with Wheeljack and Arcee, the humans were waiting for the signal from the Autobots to move out as they were dressed in clothes to match the festival, which was traditional clothing to Peru. Then they hear Mirage say through their communication in their ears "Eva, Neziha, Noah, Elena, it's go time. Blend in. Act natural" and that's when the group got out and started making their way through the big crowd full of people. Noah leads them first through the cheering crowd with Eva carrying Neziha as she hides him with a Peru traditional blanket, so no one could see him and eventually they made it to the front where the parade line was.

Noah and Eva both waited for a few seconds seeing security close to them before the group quickly sneaking in the parade as they headed towards a bunch of people holding up a moral stand as their hands let go momentarily and joined in at the back awkwardly to blend it while Eva looked over her shoulder for threats. Once they got a bit closer to the end, the group split off from the parade and ran towards an alleyway away from the noise and crowd. Noah, Elena, Eva and Neziha successfully sneak in as Elena pushes open the wooden door and they walk through as they are met with an outside environment, nothing but a few ruins and houses around the patches of drying grass. "Key's gotta be in here somewhere" Noah said and Elena says "Yeah" and Neziha starts taking off his festival disguise along with Eva as Noah goes over to the brick walls looking for clues.

Elena and Neziha both step towards the old ruins before noticing a familiar symbol engraved on one of the rocks while Noah was pressing random rocks on the wall as he hoped it would trigger something to open up or a secret passage way, but ended up finding nothing the more he tried.

"That stonework is 17th century, Noah" Eva commented as she was looking at something in front of her. "She's right. What we're looking for is something much, much older" Elena said as she and Neziha both walked forward to an old circle ruin in the ground as Elena and Eva examining closer with curiosity along with Neziha as they all shared a look with each other. Neziha then noticed something as he wiped away some grass on a stone to get a better glimpse and Noah asked "What is it?" and Eva took a closer look before saying "It's the same insignia on Airazor" and then Elena adds "But it's not lined up right. Wait, you see that? I think there's something under here" and then she used her fingers to turn the insignia as she grunts and managed to line up the symbol properly.

After it was in place, the sound of something shifted underneath their feet was heard and this made the group share wide eyed, bright looks. "There's another one" Elena pointed out as they squatted down to one and began turning them and after they managed to get all the symbols in the right position, the group all stood side to side waiting for something to happen.

"Okay, was something supposed to happen or...?"

"Noah. Shh"

Just then as something began to occur, under their feet, the cement started to move and in-caved on itself, causing the group to jump back with yelps. Eva held Neziha close to her as they watched the hole in the floor slide open slowly and out appeared a massive hole leading down, very deep. "Wow...!" Neziha managed to say while Eva was slightly stunned before Noah comments in one breath as the group peeked over the ledge into the dark underground hole "That's some 'Indiana Jones' type shit" and Neziha says in a nervous tone "Yep" and then Elena asked unsurely "You sure about this?" and Noah said "No" and then he and Elena both started climbing down the small steps on the wall leading down while Eva pulled out a long rope, two harnesses and a grappling hook from her backpack; just in case for backup.

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