Chapter 1: Rejection

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Since I don't know shit bout Juvie I'm making up my own shit so...🌚

Essence Harmony Anderson|15
"Talk bout my brother.  you'll meet him."
( Moni )

The officer came waking up all of us to get ready and come to the dining room for breakfast, I got up waking my sisters up and they stretched their arms and legs

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The officer came waking up all of us to get ready and come to the dining room for breakfast, I got up waking my sisters up and they stretched their arms and legs.

After getting ourselves together we were let out of our cells and made our way to the eating room, we got in line and sat at our usual table.

For breakfast today was watered down grits and rotten mother fucking eggs "This shit look like poison I'm not eating this shit!" Legacy exclaimed pushing her tray from her, "Your a fucking brat."

Ashanti rolled her eyes before we heard a door slam close and three boys entered the room, We all knew of them since they were very popular before they got locked up.

It was Izaiah, Jayden, and Kamari they were all insane but there was only one of them that was mentally ill and that was Izaiah he was almost charged as a adult for the crimes he's done.

Izaiah was mentally insane while Jayden and Kamari were just your average gang members, the diffenrce between the three was that Jayden and Kamari knew their limits and who not to mess with.

Izaiah was different he didn't care he was thirsty for blood and the amount of bodies on his gun was insane, He was feared in the streets and he was only 16 years old.

Izaiah had killed a total of 23 of his opps and did the most brutal things to them if he didn't take the pictures of his final product with them he wouldn't have gotten charged as a adult, but thanks to his lawyer he was able to be charged as a minor and sentenced to 2 years in Juvie and 3 in Prison.

"Look I know Izaiah is crazy as shit but yall can't lie and say he an't fucking fine as hell!" Ashanti dragged clapping her hands together, it was true Izaiah was attractive but his way of life and mood swings out weighed his looks.

Izaiah cut through the front of the line with his best friends following behind him even the guards were scared of this nigga, nobody knew what was wrong with him but his thirst for blood granted him the nickname 'Blooddrive.'

"Yo zaiah we sitting ova der?" His friend Jayden asked receiving a head nod from Izaiah, the group of boys sat down there.

"I wanna shoot my shot wit Kamari but yall know they don't allow relationships inside of here," Legacy said looking at the boy with heart eyes.

"I say fuck the rules go ahead and get yo man girlll" Essence sung as she stuck her tongue out making the girls laugh at her behavior, "Igh imma do it when we all go outside later today."

15 minutes Later....

We got a little bit of time to be outside, The outside of the facility was very closed off so it was almost in the middle of nowhere.

We rarely had any vidsiotrs since it was 2 hours away from our home so we mostly got calls but they charge $50 from how far your district is from the place.

Me and my sisters were sitting at one of the tables outside.

"Legacy go up to Kamari and ask him outtt" Ashanti dragged getting frustrated with her sister's nervousness,Legacy was a really pretty girl and before they got sent here she had a lot of boys feenin for her.

"You don't get itttt" she dragged shaking, "This is Kamari we talking about I can't just go over there on no 'wassup baby you wanna be my boo' tap shit!"

Essence and Ashanti laughed at her gestures and the deep man voice she used, "girl you so dramatic just go over there!"

Ashanti pushed the girl to stand up and she almost fell over, gaining her balance she turned around and sent a glare at her older sister.

She turned back around calming her nerves and combed out her curly/nappy hair, taking a deep breath and walking over to Kamari, "That girl is so dramatic acting like she don't know that boy be staring into her soul" Ashanti laughed.

Legacy Anderson|14
"Watch ya man.  You should watch ya mouth!"

I've never been so scared in my life I always have a mean mug on me so people don't think I'm the soft one out of my sisters but here I don't have to do that cause we're all here for basically the same reason

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I've never been so scared in my life I always have a mean mug on me so people don't think I'm the soft one out of my sisters but here I don't have to do that cause we're all here for basically the same reason.

Kamari was leaning against the wall talking to one of his Delangio, I guess his friend saw me and pointed me out making Kamari turn to face me, "Hey Kamari" I spoke fidgeting with my fingers.

"Wassup legs, you good?" Kamari had noticed her nervous behavior and how she was stuttering and she never stutters, "I'm cool..uhm so look I-I-I like you a lot and I was j-just wondering-"

"Damn nigga speak!" Delangio exclaimed getting annoyed by her stuttering he hated shy girls if you gotta get comfortable to be bold then there wasn't shit to talk about, "Gio leave ha alone go over der wit my brothas."

'Gio' rolled his eyes after Kamari not having his back obviously wanting a laugh from him to embarrass the girl, "Continue ma" Kamari said giving direction eye contact making Legacy more scared ten she was before.

"Igh so I really like you and I know that you may not like me or you may not do relationships but we don't gotta be in one we can be friends and just talk or sum cause I haven't known you for that long for us to pop up not that we could cause dating not aloud-"

"Legacy!" Kamari screamed gaining the girls attention to stop her rambling, "Look I think you cool and all but I don't know you like that, maybe we can just be friends?"

Legacy's heart sank to her ass and she felt her eyes piling with tears quickly blinking them away, "It's coo I'll talk to you later."

Kamari felt horrible rejecting the girl and he did like her but relationships just wasn't his things and it would be to complicated cause of facility rules.

Authors Note ★We into a new book! I'm still gon focus on my other ones but I just wanted to do a new one and it's different,— how we feel about the Anderson sisters? Was Kamari right to reject legacy that way?

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Authors Note
We into a new book! I'm still gon focus on my other ones but I just wanted to do a new one and it's different,— how we feel about the Anderson sisters? Was Kamari right to reject legacy that way?

- 1132 Words

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