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'Home Alone' was also around the same length as 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas'. So nearly 2 more hours had passed and the snowstorm outside had continued. Both you and Bakugo stood arms crossed staring out one of the big windows watching the snow blow aggressively in the wind.

"I've always hated the snow, and now I have to keep myself company with you." Bakugo was back to conspiring as if he wasn't just borderline laughing at a movie with you. "I'm not that bad." You retort facing the blond.

You can tell he wants to disagree but he stops himself. "You're right, it could be worse. Could be Mineta." He says and you laughed, an actual laugh, and when you realized you slowed down your laughter to speak. "Wait you can make jokes?" You asked sarcastically and his next words make you laugh even more.

"I'm being dead serious."

You believed him too, which is why it was even funnier. He was unintentionally funny, the best kind of funny.

"Okay but seriously," you said as you pulled your phone from your back pocket. "How are we going to eat dinner, it's 8 o'clock." You finished and on cue, your stomach grumbled. Bakugo's face distorted into one of disgust as he spoke, "I don't know I have snacks in my room, for me." he clarifies.

Your mouth fell a gape and you pretended to be offended. "After I just let you watch a movie with me?"

"Tough luck." He shrugs and he turns back to look out the window. "Whatever I have snacks in my room too," you say and turn on your heel to leave for the elevator and then you stop when you realize. "We have to take the stairs," you mumbled the realization. You heard the blond let out a long sigh, "You can't walk a couple flights of stairs?" he asks and he's walking past you now. "2 is a 'couple' 5 is too much!" you complained continuing to walk--now behind the blond who was heading toward the stairwell just around the corner from the elevator.

"I take the stairs most of the time anyway, it's better for you." You rolled your eyes at his comment and proceeded to walk the stairs. The walk to the fourth floor--where Bakugo's dorm was, went by quickly and he left onto his floor without a word. You continued to walk the last flight up to your floor and once you reached it you wanted to drop to the ground.

It wasn't that bad but you were so used to taking the elevator."Don't we have a fucking backup generator or something?" You asked yourself while walking down the hall to your dorm.

When you entered your room you had towards the desk you had in the corner and opened the top drawer that was filled with snacks. You grabbed a little bit of everything, something sweet, salty, and spicy. Then you realized you needed a drink so you grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge in your room which was still a little cold surprisingly enough.

As you left your room with your hands full you were shocked to see Bakugo at the top of the stairs at the opposite end of the hall. Once you were a little closer you smirked and asked, "Were you waiting for me?"

"No," his response was quick and yours was quicker. "So why are you up here?" You retorted and the both of you began walking down the stairs. He was stumped with a reply and just said, "Because," he shrugged and you had a grin on your face. "Because isn't an answer." you tease and he doesn't say anything the rest of the walk down.

As soon as you guys got back to the couches you sat your snacks down that you'd have to enjoy as dinner. "I think we can watch one more movie before my laptop dies." You say and this time Bakugo walks over to the activities closet. "Are you trying to still watch Christmas movies?" He asks while browsing the options. "Ideally," you say as you grab your laptop. "Tokyo Godfathers?" he asks as he grabs the DVD and begins walking over to you and you nearly jump out of your seat when the title leaves his mouth.

"I didn't know that was in there!" You gasped and in response, Bakugo held the CD case up to show you. "I haven't watched that in ages." you muse as you grab the CD case from him. "Me either," he says as he takes a seat on the couch--the same seat as last time. The big gap is still in between the both of you.

When the movie started up you both opened some of your snacks and got in comfortable positions. You propped your feet onto the table next to your laptop and Bakugo did the same on the opposite side.

You think to yourself that over the past few hours, Bakugo had gotten more tolerable and you were getting comfortable around him.

He wasn't that bad.

snowed in ℘ k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now