Reminisce; The Not Good Times (Or Is It?)

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*John's POV*

Entry 7

Well, we passed by a station known as Wellsworth, nothing special so far. But it looks like another storm is gonna hit soon. Better be quick.

Entry 8

What on earth!? I can't believe this! Why is SHE here!?

And no, I'm not talking about my friend, I'm talking about someone else, an old bully.

Just as we were going through the snow blockages, we saw a person with a red flag. I put on the brakes immediately.

When that person came in, I was so surprised! It was her!

The lady knew who I was and asked;

"What are YOU doing here, jerk!?"

I was surprised as she was.

Riko Matsumi, a school ponytailed gyaru (japanese girl). The most popular girl in my school.

She was admired for her beauty, intelligence, and ellegance. Though the flaws are, she's spoiled, mean, and rather a nuisance to be around.

No matter how the boys to try to date her, she refused. She always said;

"Your just trying to get hands of my money and body, JERK!!!"

There was this rich dude back at my school, and he too tried to get with her, but she rejected him too, which was surprising. He's popular amongst the girls, but Riko is not into him.

She of course bullied me, treated me as her servant. Although, she seems to bully my friend alot, and I don't why but I never interfere, I felt like not doing so, I was suppose to help a friend in need, but, I just don't feel like it's neccesary.

Does she know about my parents death? Yes, she does. But she still treated me like a servant, however, it's rather odd, or should I say, even MORE ODD!

Even when I was her servant at the beginning, she fed me for some reason. Lately she started to feed me with more food, and even gave me money. She said;

"This is your payment for being my servant for the past few months even after your parents died. If your willing to continue being my servant in the future, you know where my house is, jerk."

I swear I thought I saw her smile, which has never happened before.

Back to present, Riko was looked really mad, but, it looked like she was rather pleased, which is when she said;

"Well, it seems like my favourite servant has returned."

She grabbed hold of my shirt and said;

"You, are still under my authority even after you left school. I figured you wouldn't really come to my house to continue being my servant. I already know that you became homeless, after running from your own apartment. PA-THETIC!!"

She was still as rude as ever, but for some reason, I feel like I'm glad to see her again.

And like she said, I'm still her servant. So, she still treated me like one. Telling me what to do.

Honestly, I could barely stare at her, because of her santa uniform. I could clearly see her cleavage. Seems like she was going to a party. She noticed this and got a bit angry.

"Jerky pervert. All men like you are so disgusting to look at me with that harrasing look. Which why I'll give you extreme dicipline, so that you'll be a proper servant. By the way, why are you here?"

I told her about the invitation, she was surprised then turned away looking really skeptical and angry.

"I rather not trust that bitch, jerk. You don't whats gonna come towards you. I don't get why she befriended you in the first place."

As she said that, I wanted to object her insults, but my heart stopped me from doing that. Why?

*Riko's POV*

Entry 9

It is such a large surprise to my favourite servant coming back into my hands.

Yes, it is I, Riko Matsumi, the richest and beautiful girl in Japan.

Though I'm dissapointed why he even befriended that bitch Helen. God, he has bad taste in women.

Just what is she planning huh? This storm just appeared recently, and yet she invited him in this condition!? What the fuck!?

This could only mean one thing, this is NO invitation, she's commiting a crime! A murder! I know it.

*Sigh* I wanted to tell my servant about this, but I don't know if he'll listen to me, or maybe he will. The fact that he's been so obedient to me back at highschool.

He dosen't know what MY true intentions are. Yet. I must keep the promise. I hope your proud Mr & Mrs Logan, your child seems to have more dicipline from what I see, and his ADHD is no longer present.

Maybe I shall reveal everything to him later. For now, I'll keep him as my servant as he usually was.

Not gonna lie, it feels like he's happy to see me.

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