Episode 8: The Episode Inwhich Julia Is A Terrible Person

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The episode starts with Millie and Priya discussing what happened with Millie and Emma.

"So.. you really think I might have a chance with Emma?"


"Yeah.. sure.."


"Wow..! Oh.. oh no.."


"What? What's happening?"


"I'm overthinking things again!"


"Millie! No!"




Priya and Millie then both chuckle at that corny ass joke.

"Millie, if you want some advice on how to approach Emma; Just tell her! Don't make things so complicated on yourself! It's not like it's the end of the world if she rejects you."


Millie thinks about it before smiling.

"Y-You're right.. I'm gonna tell Emma how I feel about her tomorrow! Thanks Priya!"


Priya seems disappointed, but Millie comes up and hugs her tightly. Priya hugs her back with a cautious smile.

"Don't forget about your debate Millie!"


"Oh crap! You're right! I've been so focused on Emma, I forgot my Class President debate!"


"Don't worry Millie! You're gonna kill it!"


"You sure?"


"Yeah! You rock girl!"


Millie smiles.

"I'll go get us some sodas..!"


Millie sits down and starts to think.


Millie is by the lockers, looking around the corner at Emma, who is talking to MK.

"Okay Millie, game plan, how the heck do you just say that you like Emma?"


"You like Emma?"


Millie gets really startled by Ripper.

"Woah! Woah! Chill! It's just me, Ripper!"


"Oh.. oh man.."


"So, you like Emma? Huh?"




"Don't worry Millie, old buddy old pal, if you want some help getting Emma, I'm your guy!"


"Are you sure?"


"Yeah! I've gotta help you. You're my friend.. and the only person who's really been around for me from the jump."

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