S2 E12: Pride

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We start the episode with Damien and Karl are by the dock, with Hailey having her stuff in her suitcase.

"Well, I'm off to study for my future college."


Karl is sniffling with tears up.



"Sorry Karl, but we were never really exclusive."


"But.. I loved you.. I really loved you.."


"Good for you! Bye~!"


Hailey gets on the boat as Karl tries to get on board with her.



The guards push Karl down to the water.



Karl is floating in the water, miserable.

"He'll get over it.."


We then cut main five all at different lockers.



"Don't talk."






Axel shoves Damien to the lockers.



"HEY! Woah! Axel! Cmon! It's not worth it!"


"Guys.. why can't we just talk about this..?"


Damien looks over to Karl, who sighs.

Damien then sighs.

"Axel.. just go.."


"Fine! I'll go! I'll leave! I'll never talk to you again! Heck! I'll be MUTE! You'll never hear a peep out of my mouth-!"




Axel stops talking and crosses her arms, looking back at Damien with extreme contempt and regret in her eyes.

"Tch.. not my fault.. you should've been better."


Axel walks off, as Ripper sighs and follows her.

Zee tries to walk up to Damien, but MK grabs his arm and they start to walk off.

Damien then bites the bullet and goes up to Karl.



"Hey Damien."


"So.. you wanna hang out?"


"Oh. Now you wanna hang out? Isn't that just.. SWELL..?!"

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