1 .·:· The Dawn of Dissent

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Waterhouse, John William. 'Echo and Narcissus'. 1903. [Detail] ⋆.ೃ࿔*:·

Words:  616

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Contains spoilers from the books

Any footnotes are quotes/inspired by other works

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"Everyone. Everyone. Your attention, please. This is Percy Jackson. I trust you will see to whatever he needs."

Phoebe, nestled in a patch of sunlight, instantly snapped her head to catch sight of him. She turned to the boy draped across her legs.

"Is that him?" She murmured, her voice gently cutting through the early morning haze


"Is that the kid who killed the Minotaur?" The boy, still half in the realm of dreams, does not respond.

She persists, "I swear Annabeth said his name was something like Percy" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Luke, couldn't help but smile, as he forgoes sleep entirely. As the weight lifted from her legs, she glanced down to see Luke casually sliding off, forever the master of effortless grace. He leans against the cabin wall next to her, a living portrait of nonchalance, his grin unwavering as he watches the newcomer unpack.

"Yep, that's the one." He affirms " Slayer of the Minotaur and apparently the talk of the camp"

"God I see why," Phoebe remarks, her gaze soft as she picks up on Percy's unease, "He looks about ten, how the hell did he take down a Minotaur?"

Luke's dry chuckle filled her ears as he nodded in agreement, tossing a friendly arm around her. "Oh yeah, he's definitely pint-sized," he adds, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips

Phoebe laughs, playfully shrugging off Luke's arm to stand up. The cabin walls seemed to hum with her energy as she smirked down at him and extended a hand.

"Come on, oh great leader of the Hermes cabin. Time to give introductions to your new lost lamb." She grinned, and she reached down, seizing Luke's hand to pull him up. Luke, chuckles and as always, obliges.

The trio set off towards the newcomer, the sun, still slow on the horizon, bathed their surroundings in a warm glow, casting long shadows and illuminating the anticipation etched on the faces of the surrounding campers.

As they approach Percy's swag, some of these campers take this as a sign to follow. Percy, sensing the attention shifting over to him, turns to face them in apprehension.

"Look if you want to give me a hard time, just do it tomorrow. I can't do anymore today"

Amidst the spectators, Luke, his voice measured and empathetic slices through the tension. "Heard what happened to you on the hill. And just.. want to say I'm really sorry" His words carried a weight of understanding

"I know what you're going through. Believe me. I'm Luke" He extends a hand, offering not just his name but a connection, a bridge across the chasm of uncertainty

This is Luke Castellan.¹

A talented warrior who's always the diplomat. A strategic mind who would rather not lead. A demigod that dares to question the divine

Son of Hermes. The head councillor of his cabin. The rebel with dreams of betraying the gods. The Traitor

It's a paradox that courses through his veins- the rebellious spirit of a demigod who questions the very gods he's meant to serve unquestioningly.

Luke Castellan knows that continuing down this path will change him, and mould him into a hero or a villain but how many more friends will he have to bury if he doesn't take a stand?

He feels the weight of Kronos' whispered promises, the allure of a power that could reshape the very fabric of the world. Kronos' words echo of justice and revenge from the whims of gods. A demigod does not cling to the hope that the gods will change.

Like Prometheus, he has stolen from the gods to empower the mortals.

Luke Castellan has stolen the lightning bolt.


¹ Stover, Mathew. 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'. 2005

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