13 .·:· Med Bay Musings

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Theodor, Friedrich Wilhelm. 'Ophelia'. 1921 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:·

Words: 1,082

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four days before the summer solstice

As the news of the impending war spread through the infirmary, chaos ensued. Phoebe rushed around, shouting orders and trying to organise the supplies they would need to treat the wounded. But now, days later, the room was slowly returning to a state of calm. The once incessant bustle was giving way to a serene peace, like the gentle ebbing of waves after a storm. Phoebe found herself relishing in this newfound peace, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she felt the tension that had knotted her shoulders gradually unravelling with each passing moment. As the atmosphere shifted, so did the room itself. The once-cluttered space now appeared considerably emptier, the piles of supplies that had been hastily gathered were now sorted and shipped off to Olympus.

Despite being in a peaceful environment, she knew that her duties were far from over. The Apollo's children's impending arrival to Mount Olympus meant that she had to make critical decisions regarding the specific tasks and responsibilities each member would be assigned once the war began. As she sat at her desk, carefully planning and strategizing, she also had to think about who could be left behind to safeguard the camp and ensure that everything ran smoothly in her absence. Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and someone sat down next to her. She side-eyed them and found that it was Lee. Despite his presence, she continued her work.

"Where's your shadow?" Lee's voice broke through Phoebe's focus as she glanced over her notes.

"Huh?" Phoebe replied, still absorbed in her work.

"Or maybe you're his shadow," Lee continued absentmindedly.

Phoebe paused, finally registering his words. She looked up at him, a puzzled expression on her face. "What are you talking about?"

"Why aren't you with Luke?"

Phoebe furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm not with Luke because I'm preparing a very poorly stocked med bay for war," she sighed out, her tone tinged with exasperation.

Lee rolled his eyes in response."Don't be dramatic, it's not that bad"

"It's not great," returning her attention to her papers and scribbling something out.

"Okay sure, it's not great, but you could be delegating more," Lee suggested, his tone gentle but firm as he observed her closely. "You're avoiding him."

Phoebe's chest tightened at the accusation. "I'm not," she insisted.

"And it's not like I don't like hanging out with you, but I'm getting complaints," Lee added.


"Apparently, he is moping around the Hermes' cabin."

"He wouldn't be moping," she muttered to herself.

"Well, apparently, he is," Lee shrugged. "What did he do anyway?"

"He didn't do anything," Phoebe replied curtly, her heart aching.

"Then I don't understand why you're here with me instead of with him," Lee pressed on.

"I'm here because I have work to do."

"Fine, let me help and then you can go hang out with him," he said, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Lee, please" she begged him to stop talking about this, already feeling overwhelmed by the emotions welling up inside her.

"Phoebe," he scolded her, his tone firm. "What did he do?"

"He hasn't done anything," Phoebe repeated, her eyes beginning to sting.

"Gods, Phoebe," he exclaimed, his voice laced with frustration "What did he do?" His words hung heavy in the air.

"Nothing!" Phoebe insisted, her voice trembling with emotion.

Lee threw his arms up in exasperation. "Fine then! What did you do?" he demanded, and her eyes instantly darted away from his.

Phoebe stayed silent, her throat feeling tight as she clutched the papers in front of her, unable to meet Lee's gaze. The weight of her actions weighed heavily on her heart.

Seeing her reaction, Lee reacted without hesitation, wrapping his arms around her and holding her in a warm embrace. "He would forgive anything you did," he said softly, "it can't be that bad." His head now resting gently on top of hers.

"It isn't. It's just... what it could do," Phoebe admitted, her voice barely audible.

"Phoebe..." Lee's voice trailed off, filled with concern.

Phoebe appeared hesitant as she spoke in a low tone, "I might like him." Despite her attempt to keep her words under her breath, Lee could just make them out.

"Yeah," Lee replied simply. Urging her to continue.

"And if I like him, and he doesn't like me..." Phoebe trailed off, her voice trembling.

"He does."


"He does," Lee said strongly, "he always has."

She blinked slowly at him, her confusion evident in her wide eyes.

"So have you though," he scoffed lightly at her reaction "Don't forget, I was there when you two first met."

Phoebe's cheeks flushed slightly as memories of their initial meeting flooded back, and she couldn't help but smile at his reminder.

You've been infatuated with each other from the start," he said with a jokingly disgusted tone.

"We have not," she argued.

"And all that 'playful' teasing, and those 'accidental' touches.. oh and those 'Luke I left something in the Hermes' cabin I have to come with you and ge-" Lee's words were cut off abruptly as Phoebe's hand silenced him.

"Lee!" she whispered yelled at him, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

He squinted his eyes at her right before she shrieked, "Eww gods you're a child!" Her voice echoed across the space, drawing the attention of nearby campers. She hastily wiped her now wet hand on his top, glaring at him in disgust.

Lee just shrugged his shoulders in response, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "My point still stands," he said, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"Even if I do like him, I'm not about to go tell him that." Phoebe scoffed out.

"Why not," Lee's tone carried a hint of exasperation.

"I don't want to ruin the friendship."

"So instead you're avoiding him?" he pressed.

"Just for the moment," she replied defensively.

Lee sighed disapprovingly. "Phoebe," he said, his tone carrying a mixture of concern and frustration.

"I know," she sighed with annoyance.

"No, you don't. He's so unapologetically in love with you, that it's annoying."

"Shut up," Phoebe muttered, her cheeks ablaze at the mere thought of it.

"No, you need to put the rest of us out of our misery."

"Lee..." Phoebe whined, frowning at his persistence.

"Seriously though. Don't avoid him, it's only hurting both of you," Lee said, his tone serious and direct, as if stating an undeniable truth.

His words hung in the air between them.

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