Prologue Part 1: The Outbreak

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JANUARY 7 2008, 10:48 PM

T/N, S/N.

S/N means Your State Name.

T/N means your Town's name.

F/N means your Father's name.

M/N means your Mother's name.

Y/N means your name.

A/N: I don't know where you live but the Neighborhood you'll be in May be... Different...


A House at night while Raining has no Lights on but inside, a Child is heard screaming.


F/N unleashes his rage upon you. He beats you mercilessly with his Whip leaving your body bruised and broken. The father's anger knows no bounds as he berates and degrades his own flesh and blood. helpless and defenseless, you cried out in pain as the Whip blows rain down on you.

He stops, and you're feeling Sadness and fear. You try to get out of the chair but you it's too painful and your not strong enough.

F/N, fueled by his sadistic pleasure, grabs a Drill on a Table and starts using it to inflict even more pain upon you. The sickening sound of bones cracking fills the air as F/N relishes in the agony he is causing. Y/N, broken and battered, pleads for mercy, but Your cries fall on deaf ears. The father's eyes gleam with a twisted satisfaction as he continues his assault, reveling in the power and control he holds over his you.

F/N retrieves a hammer and a nail gun from the Table With a deranged grin on his face, he proceeds to use these tools of torture on Y/N. The hammer crashes down repeatedly, fracturing bones and leaving Y/N in unbearable agony. Then, the nail gun comes into play, as F/N sadistically shoots nails into Y/N's flesh, creating a horrifying tableau of pain and suffering. Blood spatters the walls as the screams of the tormented child fill the room.

F/N: You see?! See what happens when you talk back to me!? Think Y/N! THINK! No wonder why M/N left The house! Because you are the Fucking failure she didn't want! And now I got to take care of your pathetic ass! You will never be strong! I FUCKING need to go to work at Komrova Solutions every day while YOU Whine!

F/N: Aw fuck it! I'm going to bed while you suffer in pain in that chair. Learn not to cross me.

He leaves the room while you are crying quietly so he doesn't change his mind to hurt you again.

You had problems falling asleep due to the pain you've been inflicted to and what your sleeping on.


You woke up and it was still night time.

You tried to break out of your chair but you couldn't.

You decided to throw yourself to the floor. You fell on the floor hard and it hurt even more because of your injuries.

You made small noises of pain.

the pain intensifying with each movement. The injuries inflicted upon you by F/N were taking their toll, both physically and emotionally. Tears streamed down your face as you lay there, feeling broken and defeated.

Outside, you could hear the sound of rain pouring down, matching the turmoil within your own heart. The darkness of the night seemed to mirror the darkness of your situation, with no hope in sight. But amidst the pain and despair, a glimmer of determination sparked within you.

You glanced around the room, searching for anything that could help you escape your torment. Your eyes landed on a small knife lying on the floor. The sight of it brought a surge of hope and strength. You knew that if you wanted to survive, you had to take matters into your own hands.

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