CH1: Deranged

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LOCATION: New York, Manhattan.

DATE: November 19 2020

TIME: 12:44 AM

TIME: 12:44 AM

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The view of the city from ontop of the Empire state building was nice. This was the highest I've been my entire life. Never thought I'll able to see this moment. Time for leap.

You've jumped off the building and did a Flip. You continued falling until you almost hit the ground then you started Gliding.

You learned all this information from Avadcate. But you learn by yourself now. Things have changed.

You Didn't like them when you were much older. As you found them to be just as bad as Halcron and Komrova Solutions as one time they were training you. You were walking by and saw as them hang a innocent family. Including a 4 Year Old boy and a Tortured their 1 Year Old Dog because the father of that Family formerly worked with Komrova Solution's CEO.

When you saw that. You've began to Secretly doubt them and grow into leaving. Then saw them do other Horrible things like Terrorism, Kidnapping, Rape, Murdering Civilians, Etc.

At first when heard that they said they were a Cult. You didn't mind. You didn't know what that meant when you were younger and still didn't care after finding out what Cults are. You still viewed Avadcate as good guys. As they treated you like family.

But after you found out. You couldn't deal with working with them so you fled some Years ago.

Now you survive by getting with The Vigilante life. taking contracts from people that don't want Filth on the Streets. Which is easy. Take a contract. Find the criminal scumbag and tear him to pieces. Then return to your apartment. Get money.

You even could have some fun on your own. Sometimes you go after High Value Criminals such as Kingpin, Hammerhead.

You also attack Halcron and Komrova sometimes. They're too occupied with Dealing with The Avadcate and people exposing them of Experimenting on Superhumans and some other stuff.

As you were gliding through the city. You heard though heard something going down in a bank near you due to your Symbiote. You investigated and decided to sneak inside. By using the roofs door.

As you entered the building. You heard a voice coming from Below.

???: Anyone trying to do anything stupid. Will get a bullet inside their head. Understand me?

Hearing that you knew what was going on. It was a heist. You chuckled silently and went to the lower level.

Watching from Above. You saw 5 Men holding multiple Civilians hostage. The men wore Dark Purple Clothing and Black Military Gear. While wearing Jason Voorhees masks.

Bank Robber 2: What the hell is taking them so long?!

Bank Robber 1: Shut up. We don't to attract attention.

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