Chapter 11

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As Rok Soo ventured deeper, the atmosphere grew more enigmatic. Shadows played tricks on his perception, and the forest seemed to shift and change with every step. The blue screen displayed occasional notifications, keeping him informed of his progress.

<The Observer> is watching with anticipation.

<The Observer> is munching on popcorns, waiting for the next twist.

<The Observer> wonders if User00101 will encounter more monsters or perhaps something even more intriguing.

Rok Soo, engrossed in the quest, muttered to himself, "This forest is full of surprises. I just hope I find that damn essence soon."

The forest floor beneath his feet crunched with dried leaves, and the rustling leaves above created a melodic symphony. Rok Soo's senses remained on high alert as he moved through the veiled shadows.

Suddenly, the forest shifted in an unsettling way. Rok Soo sensed a presence, and the blue screen displayed a notification.

{Ding Ding Ding

Encounter with a Mysterious Entity!

Status: Pending

Proceed with Caution}

Rok Soo tightened his grip on his dark blade, the clothes now imbued with the tentacle ability, ready for whatever awaited him in the shadows.


As Rok Soo moved cautiously, a figure emerged from the shadows—a cloaked silhouette that seemed to meld seamlessly with the dark surroundings. The blue screen remained silent, and The Observer, momentarily pausing the popcorn munching, watched with keen interest.

The mysterious figure spoke, their voice a mere whisper in the rustling leaves. "You seek the essence of the Abyssal Drake, 'Outlander'."

Rok Soo, wary but intrigued, replied, "And who might you be?"

The cloaked figure chuckled, the sound echoing through the ancient trees. "Names matter little in the Forest of Darkness. I am but a guardian, a watcher in the shadows."

Rok Soo raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Guardian or not, if you're in my way, I suggest you step aside."

The mysterious entity laughed, a haunting sound that resonated with the essence of the forest. "Intriguing. A mortal with determination. But to obtain the essence, you must prove your worth. Will you face the trials of the Forest of Darkness?"

Rok Soo, undeterred, smirked. "Trials or not, I'll get what I came for."

' Afterall, i have to keep myself alive.'

With a swift motion, the entity revealed a slender sword, its blade gleaming with an ethereal glow. Rok Soo, undeterred, assumed a defensive stance, the dark blade in his hand ready for the impending confrontation.

The mysterious man shouted, " If you really wish to obtain that essence, show me what you have got, Outlander!"

The air thickened with tension as the first clash echoed through the ancient trees. The mysterious entity moved with a grace that seemed almost supernatural, their every strike calculated and precise. Rok Soo, relying on the tentacle-like abilities granted by the strange monster, countered with a blend of agility and adaptability.

The fight unfolded like a dance, the combatants weaving through the shadows with a fluidity that transcended mortal skill. The blue screen flickered, recording the intricacies of the battle, while The Observer watched with a mix of fascination and amusement.

< The Observer> cheers for User00101!

Rok Soo's dark blade clashed against the ethereal sword, each strike sending ripples through the air. The entity, cloaked in mystery, spoke in riddles between their agile movements. "To obtain the essence, one must prove resilience. But resilience alone may not suffice."

As the battle intensified, the forest itself seemed to respond to the clash of blades. Shadows danced, mimicking the movements of the combatants, creating a surreal backdrop for the unfolding spectacle. Seeing this the monsters nearby started to ran in the opposite direction, where our red head currently is.

Rok Soo, his determination unwavering, engaged in a battle of not just physical prowess but also wits. The mysterious entity, revealing glimpses of their otherworldly skills, tested the limits of Rok Soo's abilities.

With a sudden surge of energy, Rok Soo unleashed the tentacle-like abilities of his attire, creating a mesmerizing display of shadowy tendrils that enveloped the mysterious entity. Caught off guard, the entity struggled against the unexpected assault.

In the ensuing chaos, Rok Soo seized the opportunity, delivering a decisive strike with his dark blade. The mysterious entity, their cloak billowing like a phantom in the wind, staggered backward.

{Ding Ding Ding

Trial Completed!

Reward: Essence of Abyssal Drake

Reward: 100 coins

total coins:102250}

Though, Rok soo was not prepared for what happened next. As the cloak fell, only empty space greeted him, the entity was now only some remains of ashes and dust.

" What... happened." 

< The Observer> is as shocked as User00101.

< The Observer> is getting goosebumps.

< The Observer> thinks User00101 should go back as soon as possible.

Rok Soo thought for a while whether to trust this thing or not, but, it was for his own good to head back now. He started to walk to the direction of the entrance of the forest, Not knowing the people that are looking for him.

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