Chapter 15

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Kim Rok Soo materialized in the dimly lit confines of his chambers; the air heavy with the weight of his thoughts. With a weary sigh, he rubbed his temples, his mind still reeling from the encounter with Lord Fredo.

The teleportation scroll with the coordinates to the duke's mansion crumpled in his hand as he collapsed onto a velvet-lined chair, the events of the evening playing out in his mind like a twisted nightmare. Fredo's facade of nobility masked a darkness that sent shivers down Rok Soo's spine, a darkness he could feel creeping into the very depths of his soul.

As he stared into the flickering flames of the fireplace, Rok Soo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that clung to him like a suffocating cloak. Rok Soo had seen his fair share of unsavory characters during the apocalypse, but there was something about Fredo that set him apart, something primal and sinister that sent alarm bells ringing in Rok Soo's mind.

With a shudder, Rok Soo pushed himself to his feet, determined to shake off the oppressive weight of fear that threatened to consume him. But try as he might, he couldn't escape the feeling of eyes watching him from the shadows.

' That damn creepy Duke.'

As he paced the length of his chambers, Rok Soo couldn't help but replay the events of the evening in his mind.

' Sigh, Fredo Von Ejellan, who the hell is he. The way he stared at me during the whole conversation was... creepy. Why the fucking hell do i always encounter such vicious people.'

But before the he could think more, kim rok soo's  pacing was abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of White Star in his chamber.

Before Rok Soo could react, White Star's hands closed around his throat with a deadly grip. Panic surged through Rok Soo as he struggled against the vice-like hold, his breath caught in his throat.

{ W@r1ng!!


Not enough oxygen is being supplied.

Breaking contact with < The Observer>

System shutting down.}

In the dim light of the chamber, Rok Soo's eyes widened with fear as he realized the severity of the situation. His mind raced, paying no attention to the system notification and trying to comprehend why White Star had appeared, why he was being targeted.

'Did White Star found about my true identity?'

He wondered, his heart pounding in his chest. But a moment of clarity pierced through the chaos. 'No, if he had i would have been eliminated before. '

Yet, another chilling thought crept in. 'Wait, did fredo knew? Did he tell white star?'

As Rok Soo fought for air, his thoughts became a chaotic whirlwind of desperation. Every fiber of his being screamed for release, for salvation from the merciless grip of his attacker.

But as darkness began to close in around him, Rok Soo's resolve hardened. Though he may have been caught off guard, he refused to succumb without a fight. Afterall, he was once the team leader in a world already destroyed.

With a sudden burst of energy, Rok Soo managed to create enough space to break free from White Star's grip. Gasping for air, he stumbled backward, his chest heaving with exertion. Yet, even as he struggled to regain his breath, Rok Soo's resolve remained unshaken.

" You Bastard!" white star shouted with all his might " How dare you try to deceive me!!"

"Deceive? what the hell are you talking about, shithead." Rok Soo growled, his voice laced with defiance.

" Don't try to play fool you dog!"

" Hahahaha!"

"You've underestimated me, White Star." rok soo said, his eyes deadly. " I am not the 'dog' here."

Rok soo stepped forward, walking towards white star.


The sound echoed through the chamber like a thunderclap, the force of the blow reverberating through White Star's skull like a sledgehammer. Stunned, he staggered backward, his cheek stinging from the force of Rok Soo's slap.

" You are." Rok Soo declared, his voice cold and cutting like a blade forged in the fires of vengeance. "And you always will be."

White Star's eyes burned with a mixture of rage and humiliation as he struggled to regain his composure.

With a flick of his wrist, White Star summoned forth his ancient power, conjuring a blazing sword of fire that crackled with malevolent energy. The flames danced ominously, casting an eerie glow upon the chamber walls as they illuminated the impending showdown between the two adversaries.

" Show me what you have got, You demon!"

Undeterred, Rok Soo narrowed his eyes in determination, his mind racing with strategies born from years of strategic thinking and tactical expertise. 

'Demon? he didn't found out i am a human? so why is he attacking me?'

With a swift motion rok soo make shifted his clothes in a tentacle-like appendage that snaked out towards White Star with deadly precision.

"I'll show you more than you can handle," Rok Soo retorted, his voice steely with resolve.

The tension in the chamber crackled like lightning as the two adversaries squared off, each one poised to unleash their deadliest attacks. With a primal roar, White Star lunged forward, his flaming sword cutting through the air with deadly precision.

But Rok Soo was ready, and with a deft sidestep, he evaded the attack, his tentacles lashing out with lightning speed. Each strike was calculated, each maneuver executed with flawless precision as he sought to exploit any weakness in White Star's defenses.

As the battle raged on, White Star's frustration grew with each passing moment. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "But we're not so different, you and I." (spoiler?)

Rok Soo's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" he demanded; his voice tinged with suspicion.

But before White Star could respond, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over Rok Soo, his limbs heavy with fatigue. With a desperate effort, he fought to maintain his footing, his mind reeling from the onslaught of emotions and adrenaline.

"Enough!" White Star's voice boomed through the chamber, cutting through the chaos like a knife. "It's time to end this."

With a swift motion, he unleashed a final, devastating blow, sending Rok Soo crashing to the ground in defeat. As darkness closed in around him, Rok Soo's vision blurred, his consciousness slipping away into the void.

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