chapter 13.5

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" Welcome, Lord Kim Rok Soo. It's truly a pleasure of mine to have you visit my estate." The vampire smiled, his purple eyes forming into crescents.

" Fredo, how is my nephew doing?"

" Ah, Naru is currently resting in his room, and i would hope that NO ONE would disturb him."

" I see. I brought some cookies for him, give it to him when his condition is ok."

" Of course! Naru would love to meet his 'Uncle'."

The masked man smiled sipping the tea even though he couldn't taste any of its divine flavour. While the third person, Kim rok soo, was questioning his life choices.

' How the fuck did i end up here.'

<The Observer> pity's User00101.

' Fuck you.'

< The Observer> Gives User00101 their permission.

'... Please someone kill me.' rok soo mentally cried.


The dawn broke with a tender glow on the horizon, casting a palette of warm hues across the sky. The sun, a celestial painter, began its daily masterpiece, awakening the world from the embrace of night. In the serene chambers of Kim Rok Soo, the fake Demon Lord, the first tendrils of sunlight danced through the parted curtains, heralding the arrival of a new day.

The sunlight, tender and persistent, caressed the sharp angles of the Demon Lord's face, casting a warm glow upon the austere countenance. His eyes, accustomed to the dark, fluttered open, adjusting to the delicate intrusion. 

" Urgh" rok soo shifted in the soft blankets.

A knock on the door caught the sleepy beauty's attention, causing rok soo to be wide awake.

" My Lord, its Sayeru. If i may have your permission to enter."

Cursing his bad luck in the very start of the day, Rok Soo gace his permission. He didn't want to be disturbed for at least for a week.

' I should be paid after that meeting with cale.'

" Good morning my Lord." Sayeru bowed, eyeing rok soo who was frowning due to his sleep being disturbed. But, sayeru as he is, and rok soo being the God of misunderstanding might have misinterpreted each other.

' Is the demon angry? I-is is planning to kill someone?!'

' Fuck, why is this bear disturbing me early in the morning? wait- did he found about me being fake!! No if that was the case, my head would have already been blown or something. Don't tell me-

Rok soo eyed the tray that sayeru placed on the table.

' Fuck'

That's right, It was the worst nightmare rok soo have experienced.

' Lemon tea? Fuck, is this bear planning to kill me or something.'

" Ahem, My Lord, did you get a good sleep?" sayeru tried to start a conversation to light up the gloomy atmosphere.

" I did." rok soo lied.

' If it weren't for you, i would have gotten my quality sleep.'

" Glad to hear. um... I wanted to inform you that my liege has requested an audience with you, My Lord." 

' Wait-WHAT!?'


In the opulent halls of the Black Castle, White Star, the nefarious liege, awaited the arrival of his servant, Sayeru, and the Demon Lord, Kim Rok Soo. The corridors echoed with an air of malevolence as the duo made their way to the foreboding chamber where the villainous master resided.

As they entered, White Star reclined on his usual seat, filling some papers, spoke. " Lord kim rok soo, I apologies for the early audience and hope your sleep wasn't disturbed." For a moment White star's eyed turned red. Though it was not noticed by the other party.

Rok Soo, still nursing the grudge of a disrupted morning, shot a skeptical glance at Sayeru. The bear-like servant merely bowed in acknowledgment.

"Rest assured, my liege. The Demon Lord had the most peaceful slumber," Sayeru declared, maintaining an air of formality though his nervous ness was clearly seen through his unfocused eyes.

White Star's reddish-brown eyes flickered with suspicion, but he decided to proceed with the matter at hand. " Sayeru." Just his name being called was enough for sayeru to understand the command, 'Out Now'.  He bowed and went outside. 

" Have a seat." rok soo sat on the sofa, staring at the masked man who now sat in front of him, leaving his paperwork.

" Lord Kim rok soo, I won't beat around the bush, so listen carefully."

Rok soo became tensed at the sudden change of tone of white star.

' Bastard, just say what you want to say!!'

" I want you to go with me to duke fredo's estate."

'Fredo? Now who the hell is this?' (Hush, he is your future father.)

" I see that you might not be familiar with this name." white star continued to speak.

" He is an essential part of my plan and you, Lord Kim rok soo, have to meet him. You Know, we should get to know about your 'toys' better before they get out of our hands."

' Toys my ass. Why the fuck would i help you in world domination! Go die you bastard!' Though Rok Soo was able to curse white star in his mind, but doing this in reality would cost him his life, so he decided to stay quiet.

" I take you silence as a yes." White star said getting up. " I have no other thing to say, so i advice lord kim rok soo, to attend his own business. As a king, i myself am quite a busy person." 

Rok soo got up, cursing white star more and more in his mind for his rude behavior. As the door shut, white star's eyes never left rok soo's back. They seemed to hold quite the killing intent. 

The footsteps outside the room became more and more quiet as time passed, and white star's thoughts became more and more conflicted. He removed his mask and stood Infront of a mirror in his room, touching his face with his bare hands. His eyes, burning with anger and his mind full of puzzles.

' I can believe that we both can have the same face, It's understandable (see chapter 1), so why the hell do we both have the same rings of life. No being should be able to possess the same type of rings, even a God can't control this. So, how the fuck is this possible for ME to share the same rings of life as THAT DOG.' 

( Now imma go and disappear for a week or two again    ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆    )

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