Chapter 17

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"To the Henituse Territory," Rok Soo declared, his voice firm and resolute, as if he had just made a decision of the utmost importance. He knew that his next move could be crucial in unraveling the mysteries that had plagued him.

With a sense of urgency, Rok Soo released his hold on White Star, allowing him to speak freely. Surprisingly, White Star seemed to accept this gesture of trust without resistance. Though he didn't put all his trust into Rok Soo. He just decided to listen to him for once, aware that if Rok Soo were to fail, White Star could easily end his life.

Slowly and steadily white star released rok soo from the shackles that bounded him.

As they stood in the dimly lit dungeon, a tense silence hung between them, broken only by the distant echoes of their surroundings. Rok Soo watched White Star closely, searching for any signs of deception or betrayal. But to his surprise, White Star's expression remained impassive, his eyes fixed on Rok Soo with a hint of guarded curiosity.

"Tell me, Kim Rok Soo," White Star began, his voice measured and controlled. "Why do you believe we share the same rings of life?"

Rok Soo hesitated for a moment, weighing his words carefully. He knew that revealing too much could jeopardize their fragile alliance, but he also realized that withholding information could prove equally dangerous.

"I... I'm not sure," Rok Soo admitted reluctantly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I believe that the answer lies within the Henituse Territory."

' Especially a certain someone might help.'

White Star regarded Rok Soo with a skeptical gaze, his expression unreadable. "And what makes you so certain that 'I' can trust you?" he pressed; his voice tinged with skepticism.

Rok Soo swallowed hard, the weight of White Star's scrutiny bearing down on him. He knew that he needed to choose his words carefully, to convince White Star of his sincerity without revealing too much of his own vulnerabilities.

"I don't expect you to trust me," Rok Soo replied honestly, his voice steady despite the uncertainty gnawing at his insides. "But I do believe that we share a common goal.

White Star's brow furrowed thoughtfully at Rok Soo's words, his gaze flickering with a hint of uncertainty. "And if you're wrong? What if the Henituse didn't provide any information." he asked, his voice tinged with doubt.

Rok Soo met White Star's gaze head-on, his determination shining through despite the doubts that lingered in his mind. "Then you can kill me." Rok soo knows that he is gambling with his life, but if it to achieve his slacker life, rok soo would even burn this world, though he himself might not agree with this.

For a tense moment, the two adversaries locked eyes, each silently weighing the other's words.

Finally, with a nod of reluctant acceptance, White Star relented, his expression softening slightly. "Very well," he conceded, his voice tinged with resignation. "Let's see what the Henituse Territory has to offer."

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