The Armies gathered

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It was the day of ekadashi in margashira masam. The day which is decided by lord Krishna for the great war of mankind. The war is result of duryodhana's arrogance as he rejected all the proposal made by Krishna when he visited hastinapur as a messenger.

Bhisma being commander in chief for kauravas clan ordered the armies to be gathered near the war site and wait for his next command. In pandavas camp, Yudhistira appointed dristhadyumna as commander in chief for their army, on yudhistira's signal, he also commanded army to be presented in war field.

Everyone is getting ready in their camp; wearing the armour, checking the efficiency of their weapons, calling charioteer for their chariots and signalling the guards to be prepared with medical equipments which would be used in aiding the injured soldiers.

Arjuna came near krishna and asked him whom he choose as his rathi; Indirectly he is asking either he choose him or karna. Krishna reminded arjuna that he already gave promise to karna that he will be his charioteer.

Arjuna feels little jealous, but as he know karna's identity. He just nodded with smile and went away to choose his charioteer. Karna is staring at the sky thinking either he is doing right, he is upset imagining the war circumstances. He know his friend duryodhana is going to die in this war.

Krishna reads karna's mind and walked towards him. He asked karna either he is happy in fighting from their side or not. Karna replied "not really". He muttered that he never wanted to hurt duryodhana in anyway. He is fighting from pandavas as he doesn't want to be called as a "coward" who run away from the war in the fear of death.

Krishna assured karna "no one will call you as a coward even if you won't enter in war, your decisions are respected by me and pandavas". Karna reminded krishna about duryodhana who will be seen searching for him in the battle-field, karna knew duryodhana wants his blood along with pandava's blood.

Krishna reveals to karna that duryodhana's time on earth is going to expire soon. The war is of "good vs evil" and evil could never sustain against good for a longer time.

Bhima is hearing krishna and karna's conversation from a distance and become suspicious over their bond. He doesn't able to make how Krishna become closer to karna in just few days and arjuna is not seen with krishna, since the day karna joined their side. Bhima mind answers him that some heated argument between krishna and arjuna might took place which keeping them apart. Bhima decided that he will talk about this matter with arjuna in evening after war ends.

Duryodhana confronts bhimsa and asked him to kill karna and pandavas and end the war on it's first day. Bhisma replies that he would only reply to enemies attack, killing pandavas is not in his mind yet. Duryodhana become angered on bhisma, but shakuni intervened and took him away from bhisma.

Shakuni assures duryodhana that the war's outcome is still far away. They have a great time to execute their tricks against pandavas. Duryodhana is not convinced by shakuni's statements. He shouted and says that he couldn't wait to see pandavas destruction. He exclaimed that he wants to kill karna by himself.

Everyone get prepared from pandavas side to leave for war site. Krishna sat on karna's charioteer and signalled him to climb the chariot. Karna hold his "Vijaya danush" and climb the chariot. Kauravas also left for war site.

Armies from both the side stood against each other. Arjuna become very emotional seeing his relatives in front of him. Yudhistira walked near the side where pitamah was standing. He took his blessings and tried to negotiate with duryodhana, which is arrogantly denied by him.

A tear rolled down from karna's eyes imagining the destruction from the war.

The shankhas blown from both the sides indicating the commencement of war!

[I really don't know how to continue this story as the most important part of mahabharata the geeta gyan by Shri Krishna to arjuna needed to be changed.

Please, any suggestions regarding this? Should I fast forward the story taking it directly to duryodhana's death or some manipulation is accepted as it's just a "what if" story?].

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