Duryodhana fears defeat!

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Duryodhana celebrates over the news that shikandhi being injured in the battlefield by kauravas army. He then assured pitamah that no one could stop him from defeating pandavas now. By saying this, he reminds his promise of killing one pandava by sunset.

Pitamah tensed and worried about shikandhi. He knew that shikandhi's destiny is to be a reason for his end. Pitamah prayed to god to send shikandhi in any way and give him mukti.

Krishna listened to pitamah's prayers and decided to fulfill pitamah's wish. He closed his eyes and shikandhi's injuries are vanished like they never existed. Shikandhi opened her eyes and moved to kauravas army.

Krishna gives this message to karna and asked him to stop pitamah till then. Kauravas happiness didn't stood longer, they caught shikandhi nearing pitamah.

Duryodhana after seeing her approaching to pandavas, orders the soldiers to kill shikandhi before she reaches them. But, before they do so. Karna interfered and stopped the soldier's move by trapping them in the circle of arrows.

Duryodhana gets infuriated and gave a Stern look to karna. He called karna and others pandavas coward as they couldn't fight with bhisma directly like a warrior does.

Pitamah saw shikandhi and gets extremely delighted, he realized it's his time to get free from his duties. He invited her with extreme gratitude. Shikandhi climbs arjun's chariot and as per pitamah's promise to her, he abandon his weapons and pray to shikandhi for salvation.

Shikandhi pleased; Krishna orders arjuna and karna to fire arrows on pitamah and help him to reach his final destination.

Tears were rolling down from arjuna, karna and others pandava's eyes. They are in extreme grief and couldn't able to pick their weapons.

Pitamah orders pandavas if they ever loved him and thought him as their mentor, they should follow his command and attack him, seeing him from the perspective of a true kshatriya rather than the perspective of grandson. Krishna enlightens pandavas the necessity to keep pitamah away from the war field.

The desperate pandavas along with karna attacks bhisma and ultimately bhisma's body is completely pierced with arrows which made me to sleep on the bed of arrows!

The pandavas seeing this, run away from their chariot and knelt down near bhisma. They all cried remembering the moments they spent with pitamah since childhood and they all apologized for hurting him.

Duryodhana also fell near pitamah's feet and he too apologized for forcing him to participate in war. He blamed karna and other pandavas for injuring bhisma and he start abusing them one by one.

Duryodhana shows his real character at end and blame pitamah for his partiality towards kauravas, he exclaimed that he loved pandavas more than kauravas. Duryodhana left pitamah in tears. Karna tried to stop him, but Krishna stopped him from doing so.

Krishna enlightens bhisma and announced that pitamah gets high status in heaven for realizing the supreme truth at end!

At night, duryodhana couldn't overcome from the grief of losing pitamah's support. Shakuni tries to console him, but duryodhana wasn't able to listen anything from anyone. Duryodhana later announced that dronacharya will be the next commander-in-chief.

Karna didn't get enough time to talk with bhisma when he was injured by his arrows as pandavas are in extreme grief and anguish at that time. Karna decided to talk with pitamah, as pandavas are preparing for their next day war on Krishna's advice. Karna went near pitamah and apologized him for picking  weapons against him.

Pitamaha calls karna as "kaunteya" and appreciates him for being in the side of righteousness. Karna says that he didn't had any attention to cheat duryodhana, but krishna's words inspired him to choose pandavas over kauravas and he is now feeling guilty.

Karna reveals that he isn't ready to see duryodhana's death as till now he believes duryodhana as a good friend. Bhisma smiles and says to karna that duryodhana's friendship with karna is just focused on his own benefits. He always wanted arjuna's death from the hands of karna. Karna nodded agreeing with bhisma.

Pandavas were still in grief over pitamah. Krishna reminds pandavas that the war isn't ended. Dronacharya was appointed as commander of chief and they must focus on this subject rather than worrying about what had already happened. Pitamah always followed his duties with dedication, pandavas should also need to follow his path.

Arjuna nodded and asked krishna about karna's whereabouts, krishna reveals karna went to meet pitamah as he wasn't get chance to seek his blessings.

Duryodhana expressed his fear to dushasana that if dronacharya didn't fought with his full competence then very soon they will get defeated by pandavas.

Shakuni reminds dronacharya about his agreement with hastinapur that he will pick his weapons for hastinapur only & fight for it's protection. A tensed dronacharya nodded in approval and assured him that he will fight without getting distraughted and will soon ends the war.

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