Duryodhana's ego gets hurt!

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Karna decided to meet duryodhana after performing his arghya ritual as he knew duryodhana's defeat is not far away. Krishna had earlier warned karna to stay away from duryodhana's greedy demands, which he accepted.

When karna went near duryodhana's camp, Kauravas soldiers welcomed karna with utmost gratitude. Karna firstly get suspicious on duryodhana's kind gesture, but soon duryodhana himself came outside the camp and embraced karna.

Karna shocked for a moment. He felt that duryodhana had forgiven him for leaving his side, duryodhana apologize karna for attempting to kill him several times during the war. Karna said that he could never get angry on duryodhana, because he is still his friend and he want him to realize his past mistakes and befriend with pandavas.

Duryodhana declares that he will negotiate with pandavas and ends the war, but he has a condition which karna need to follow and abide with it for rest of his life. Karna gets a strange feeling, he curiously asked duryodhana about the condition. Duryodhana says that karna had betrayed his trust over him and joined the pandavas especially that evil magician krishna whom he never liked in personal, duryodhana proclaims that if karna wants him to surrender he must need to leave pandavas side and should cheat krishna like the way he cheated him.

Karna confused, and without taking a minute more, he pronounce that it's impossible. As according to him serving krishna is his only mission. An infuriated duryodhana start cursing karna and krishna, he says that they never could be happy together even after gaining victory.

Duryodhana said in an ordering voice to karna to leave his camp before he kills him for his rigorous statements. Karna stood for a minute and asks duryodhana once again to surrender against pandavas, he assured duryodhana that he will save his life from bhim no matter for that he needs to stake his own life. Karna confidently announces, yudhistira will give him the kingdom for which duryodhana waged the war.

Duryodhana gets frustrated and ordered soldiers to throw karna outside from his place. Before the soldiers attempt any move, karna himself left the place with desperation.

The 7th day of war begins and kauravas army was badly screwed up by pandavas army in last couple of days. There is no brave warrior left in kauravas side and all the remaining warrior knew that their defeat is inevitable. Krishna instructs bhim that now it's just him who could end the war, he asks bhim to kill dushasana and fulfill his vow he could years ago. Bhim nodded and went to challenge dushasana for a mace fight.

Krishna looked at sahadev and instruct him that it's must be the last day of shakuni mama who planted seeds of mahabharata. Sahadev nodded and shakuni sensed the upcoming danger for him.

Duryodhana was been trapped by arjuna, so that he couldn't protect dushasana. Pandavas planned to encounter duryodhana at last. Duryodhana trying his best to escape from the trap, but he failed in doing so. Karna was looking this and expressed his agitation to krishna. Krishna assured karna that it's duryodhana's deeds which teaching him the lesson.

A fierce duel took place between bhima and dushasana. Dushasana deceitfully injured bhima, but bhima wanted all wanted revenge for his wife's insult. Bhim managed to snatch the mace from dushasana hand, and start punching him with his collided fists. Dushasana gets significantly injured and realised his death nearing him. He tries to surrender to bhim, but bhima was in anger and ultimately killed dushasana piercing his chest which was his part of vow.

Sahadev fought with shakuni while blaming him the reason for the war. Shakuni tried to manipulate sahadev and attempt to surrender assuming he could forgive him. But, sahadev brutally kills shakuni by fixing the sword directly into his chest. He was remembering the moments of game of dice which made him and his brothers slave of an evil prince.

Karna freed duryodhana from the trap as he couldn't able to see duryodhana's pain from his eyes. Duryodhana rushes to dushasana who found him laying lifeless in the pool of blood. Duryodhana gets the news of shakuni's death by the soldier. Duryodhana shouted at pandavas that he will kill each of them for killing his dearer brother.

Duryodhana without taking time appointed shalya as commander-in-chief and ordered him that he wants pandavas death. Shalya fought with nakula and sahadev and injured them in the archery fight. Karna interfered and managed to broke shalya's weapon. Shalya asked karna for a sword fight, which he accepted. A fierce fight took between them and karna ultimately kills shalya.

Ashwattama fought with arjuna and they both engaged in a fierce duel. Ashwathama injured arjuna as he was fighting with his full prowess. But, arjuna managed to snatch ashwathama's bow and made him to accept his defeat.

Duryodhana performed the final rights of dushasana and shakuni for which karna also participated as his relationship with dushasana is kind of brotherhood. Duryodhana didn't get angry on karna this time as he knew karna's attachment to dushasana when their relationship was fine.

Karna tried to convince duryodhana, but he went off from the place. Krishna assured karna that soon duryodhana will realise his mistakes and reach his final destination. Karna curiously asked krishna either duryodhana going to surrender to pandavas, krishna smiled and says it's not possible. Seeing karna in sorrow, krishna assures karna if duryodhana surrenders to pandavas, The war will be end without taking duryodhana's blood.

Will duryodhana finally surrenders?

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