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Eliana Corbyn

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Eliana Corbyn

Daughter of Apollo

Gifts: Healing abilities, perfect pitch, precognition, expert archer, can play any instrument, athletic, expert artist, light manipulation, sound wave/vibration control

Description: Sun kissed honey blonde hair, green eyes

Name meaning: 

Eliana: daughter of the sun, mercy

Corbyn: raven, dark, mysterious

Percy Jackson

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Percy Jackson

Son of Poseidon

Gifts: Hydrokinesis, communication with aquatic creatures, aquatic breathing, can heal wounds with water, can talk to horses, water immunity

Description: black hair, sea green eyes, tanned olive skin

Name meaning:

Perseus: destroyer

Jackson: gracious, to heal

Jackson: gracious, to heal

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Annabeth Chase

Daughter of Athena

Gifts: Genius Intellect, craftsmanship, expert strategist

Description: blonde hair, stormy grey eyes

Name meaning:

Annabeth: Grace

Chase: to hunt

Chase: to hunt

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Piper Mclean

Daughter of Aphrodite

Gifts: Beauty, Charm speak

Description: Native American, short choppy chocolate brown hair with thin braided strands on the sides of her face, and eyes that change like a kaleidoscope

Name meaning:

Piper: pipe player

Mclean: son of the serpent

Mclean: son of the serpent

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Jason Grace

Son of Jupiter

Gifts: aerokinetic, lightning control, wind manipulation, can harness the wind to fly

Description: handsome, blond hair, electric blue eye, small scar above his lip

Name meaning:

Jason: healer

Grace: favor or blessing

Grace: favor or blessing

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Leo Valdez

Son of Hephaestus 

Gifts: fire manipulation, fire immunity, genius intellect, expert strategist, critical thinking skills, master engineer, master metal smith, weapon expertise

Description: Latino with curly black hair, dark "wild" brown eyes, pointy ears, a cheerful face, and a mischievous smile.

Name meaning:

Leo: brave or lion-hearted

Valdez: brave or from the valley

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