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"You can't seriously be leaving already." Will said I packed my stuff back in the cabin. 

"Sorry, but I'm not leaving Arabelle to rescue Jasper alone." I said. "Besides, you heard the prophecy. Two half-bloods...me and Arabelle. Foes, also me and Arabelle. And then the child of Rome is Jasper." 

"Okay, but who is she?" 

I paused. "Not sure." 

"Not sure?" He repeated. "You're going to go risk your life on a quest with a not sure?" 

"Listen." I said. "Are you going to help me pack or are you going to whine about me leaving." 

"Just to be clear I don't like this." He grumbled and helped me pack. He handed me ambrosia and nectar from the infirmary and I stuffed it in my backpack. I packed an extra set of clothes, drachmas and mortal money. I'd never been a normal quest before. Only one that involved travelling across the world to fight a primordial goddess. 

"Hey!" Kayla and Austin walked into the cabin. "We've been looking everywhere for you. Gracie has a headache again and wants Advil. You know how she gets cranky when she..." Her voice stopped as she took in what was happening. 

"Are you leaving?" Austin asked. 

I nodded. "Rachel gave me a prophecy and I have to go on a quest." 

"But you just got here! We didn't even get to be together last summer either!" Austin frowned. 

"I know." I frowned as well. "But this time I'll make sure I'm back before the fireworks show for July 4th." 



We locked pinkies. 

Austin tackled me in a hug. We might fight sometimes but at the end of the day we all really did love each other. And I wanted nothing more than to spend the summer with them. But I was starting to think that wouldn't be happening for a while. 

After I said my goodbyes I made my way to Half-Blood hill. Arabelle was waiting there next to the golden fleece. 

"You don't plan to change out of your armor?" I asked. 

"Why would I?" 

I raised my eyebrows. "Maybe because walking around New York City in gold roman armor is a little attention getting." 

"The Mist will cover it up." She said waving my concern off. "Besides, if we get in a fight I won't have time to put it on." 

I stared at the girl next to me. It had only been a year since I met her but she had already changed so much. She looked older, more mature and more Roman. She reminded me of Reyna somewhat.

"Why are you staring at me?" She narrowed her eyes. 

"Oh, sorry." I said quickly. "I was just noting how much you've changed. You used to be all: RAHHH I WILL WIN! VICTORY IS ALL I KNOW!" I waved my hands in a fist in the air as a demonstration. She did not look amused. "Now you're more calculating and serious..." 

"I used to be that way because I didn't know loss." She said icily. "Because of your father. Many fellow Roman soldiers fell in combat. Including friends. I don't want my brother to be buried next to Jason Grace."

My voice died in my throat. There was an ache in my chest because of her words. I could tell she was still hurting. I understood what it was like. Joining the Camp and being forced to fight immediately. And then suddenly the people you'd become friends with die before your eyes and you're told that it's a normal occurrence and life moves on. 

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