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These tunnels were freaking me out. 

 The air grew cooler, and there was an eerie silence that seemed to amplify the echoes of our footsteps.The tunnel we had branched off into was leading into a labyrinth of tunnels holding the bones of millions. Winding staircases led me deeper, and with each step, the darkness enveloped me. 

Lanterns emitted a feeble glow, casting dim light on the ancient stone walls. Shadows danced and played tricks on my perception, adding to the eeriness of this underground world. 

The tunnels twisted and turned, revealing chambers filled with neatly stacked bones and skulls. The skeletal arrangements were both morbid and artistic, forming macabre patterns that told a silent tale of lives long gone. 

 The stone walls seemed to absorb the passage of time, and the occasional drip of water echoed through the chambers. The quietude was overwhelming, broken only by the soft shuffle of our footsteps and the distant murmur of unseen water, creating a haunting symphony.

The tunnels unfolded like a surreal art installation. Skulls and bones formed walls and arches, transforming the underground space into a morbid masterpiece. It felt as if the very walls bore witness to the transient nature of life, inviting introspection in the face of mortality.

With each step, I delved deeper into this underground necropolis. The experience was both reverent and unsettling, a journey through time and mortality. 

"I think we've been going in circles." Arabelle said as we passed a familiar set of skeletons. That's something I never thought I would say.  

"I don't think there was a skull there last time." I pointed. "Maybe it's just similar?" 

Arabelle gave a frustrated sigh. "We're getting nowhere!" She kicked a pile of bones in frustration. "We could be wandering for days before we find Jasper or even an exit." 

I wished Hazel were here, or even Nico. They would know the way. 

I opened my mouth to offer a suggestion but was cut off by a roar. Arabelle and I jolted as we looked behind us down the dark tunnel.

"Do you think that was—?"

"The Chimera." I swallowed. "Its mother won't be far behind." 

"Running it is." 

Arabelle took off down the tunnel. She was so fast that I nearly lost sight of her multiple times. She bobbed and weaved through the different tunnels until one of the tunnels opened into a big circular room. 

We stopped and looked around. 

"Jasper was in a room like this." I said. I pointed at a doorway across the room. "Let's go through there." 

"You will not be going anywhere." The voice sent a shiver down my spine. We both turned around. 

My heart pounded in my chest. Emerging from the tunnel was an Echidna, a fearsome creature with the torso of a woman and the body of a giant serpent. Her eyes glinted with malice as she coiled her serpentine body, preparing to strike.

Instinct kicked in as I pulled my bow out. Arabelle unsheathed her sword, which glinted in the eerie light of the torches on the walls. 

With a battle cry, she lunged forward, ready to face the monstrous threat. 

Echidna hissed and lunged, her fangs bared and venom dripping from her jaws. I dodged and Arabelle parried, the clash of metal against scales rang through the room. With each strike, Arabelle seemed to wear Echidna down. 

But the battle took an unexpected turn as the ground rumbled beneath my feet. Out of the shadows emerged the Chimera, a creature of nightmares with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent fire as it entered the room, its roars echoing through the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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