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At sixteen, most kids would stress about parallel parking tests, getting a driver's licence and affording a car.

I stressed about controlling a team of fiery horses with wind ropes.

Jason had finally convinced the lord of the South Wind to help us fly the Argo II. He had given us venti to use to fly the ship. The heat produced by these venti could seriously injure or even kill a normal demigod. 

But not a demigod who could automatically heal. 

So here I was stuck with the task of flying these venti. But I accepted the job nonetheless. I had felt like I had been pretty useless on the quest so far. Everyone else was accomplishing these great things and defeating immortal beings while I was just kinda there. I was hoping this would make up for some of my failure.

After making sure my friends were aboard and safely below deck, I lashed the venti to the prow of the Argo II (which Festus was not happy about), straddled the figurehead and yelled, "Giddyup!"

The venti tore across the waves. They weren't quite as fast as Hazel's horse, Arion, but they had a lot more heat. They kicked up a rooster tail of steam that made it almost impossible for me to see where we were going. The ship shot out of the bay. In no time Africa was a hazy line on the horizon behind me.

Maintaining the ropes took all of my concentration. The horses strained to break free. Only my willpower kept them in check.

Malta, I ordered. Straight to Malta.

By the time land finally appeared in the distance – a hilly island carpeted with low stone buildings –I was soaked in sweat. My arms felt rubbery, like I'd been holding a barbell straight out in front of me.

I hoped we'd reached the right place, because I couldn't keep the horses together any longer. I released the reins. The venti scattered into particles of sand and steam.

Exhausted, I climbed down from the prow. I leaned against Festus's neck. The dragon turned and gave me a chin hug.

"Thanks." I said, out of breath. "Rough day, huh?"

Behind me, the deck boards creaked.

"Eliana?" Jasper called. "Oh, gods, your arms ..."

I hadn't noticed, but my skin was dotted with blisters. 

"I'll be fine," I said waving off his concern. Sure enough my skin began to heal slowly. Jasper fed me some ambrosia.

"Thanks, War Boy," I said as I felt my strength return. "How long was I –?"

"About six hours."

 No wonder I felt sore and hungry. "The others?"

"All fine. Tired of being cooped up. Should I tell them it's safe to come above deck?"

I licked my dry lips. Despite the ambrosia, I felt shaky. I didn't want to others to see melike this.

"Give me a second," I said. "... catch my breath."

Jasper leaned next to me. He started to stare. 


"Nothing," He said as he continued to stare.

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, what is it? 

He gave a small smile. "I was just admiring how pretty you look in the sun." 

"Yeah, well I'm glistening because of sweat." 

"I'm serious." He said standing up straighter, "We're lucky to have you. I'm lucky to have you."

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