🕰️ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8🕰️

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Today was Wednesday. 2 days until the suicide.

Luke sat at his drum kit, zoning out, he couldn't for the life of him remember what was up with Zander today. He knows that 4 years ago, everyday of the week something new was wrong with him. Monday, obviously that's the day he planned his suicide, Tuesday was the day his eating disorder began to relapse but he couldn't remember Wednesday and Thursday. He was just going to have to see.

Luke perked up as he saw Zander walk through the door, a smile on his face, which was unsettling, this was Zander, why was he smiling? Why was he smiling so brightly?

He walked over to Hailey and gave her a big hug, catching her off guard. "Ah-! You're in a good mood today-?" She asked. Zander just smiled as he let her go, happily walking over to Luke and pulling over a stool to sit next to him. He latched onto his arm and rested his head on his shoulder. "I love you!"

Ah. He remembered now, today he was acting weird, today, Wednesday he was acting overly clingy and loving to those around him. Luke of course knows this was his way of saying goodbye, as tomorrow on Thursday he'd be cold and distant.

"I love you too honey, why are you in such a good mood?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh! Im not sure!" He smiled.

Maybe that was the truth, maybe he genuinely didn't know why he was acting like this. Maybe he did, maybe it was intentional. But it's unsettling. Though he was smiling wide, his eyes were practically empty. Like he was drained, and he was, he most definitely was drained.

Luke watched him, he could see his true emotions, it was like he was fighting to keep the smile, like he didn't want to be in the room with the club, perhaps he felt a sense of duty, having taken on a brotherly role in the club, mostly a younger brother.. whereas for Millie he was almost even a father figure. Maybe those reasons are why he's here, to give a good last impression. It made Luke feel sick again. Physically ill.

"Zander! Zander! Please please please please PLEASE can we play a rock duet!? PLEASEEEEE! This is all I want from you!" Millie begged.

Luke saw Zander smile softly, well.. softly is the wrong word, it was a sad smile and Luke swore he saw his eyes glisten with tears for a split second before he spoke up.

"Sure, why not."

"EHHH!? REALLY!? OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE BEST!" She giggled as she ran up to hug him before quickly grabbing her guitar off the wall.

Luke just frowned. He could see right through Zanders lies, and that's what hurt him the most.


"Oi! Zander!" Henry called, standing by Zanders locker, accompanied by Liam, who once again had his phone out recording him.

Zander payed no mind, instead he just opened his locker, entirely different from his usual defensive attitude.

"..Hey man.. we're over here you know..?"

"I know, I saw you."

"Aha! So You're at the ignoring games!"

Zander shook his head.

"..So why aren't you like.. gouging our eyes out right now..? Usually you'd be screaming at us right now..?"

"You're right, usually I would be, but it won't happen again, trust me." Zander smiled, seeming to freak Henry and Liam out.

"..Dude.. you should go to the nurse bro- ..I don't like you being an easy target.."

"Easy target? ...it's not pleasant that you admit to targeting me-"

"Well listen-! We're Self aware alright-!?"


"Seriously man, what are you doing!? You're freaking us out! Stop smiling at us like that-!"

Zander just smiled gently at them, as he handed them a note and walked away.

'It's ok, I forgive you.'

"..What the fuck-.. is he high..?"

"I'm actually kind of concerned- what the fuck was that- And what does this even mean!? We didn't apologise!?"

Luke stood around the corner, watching the two idiots, even though they practically made Zanders school life hell, he couldn't help but feel a little pity, at the end of the day, there was no one else in the school begging for his forgiveness more than them after the incident.

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