Chapter 10

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Over time Zoe Toretto has started smiling and laughing more, only around her family but they see it as progress. It's been two years since she learned her older brother, Jakob, didn't want to come home and although she didn't want to accept it at first she slowly accepted the fact, although she still misses her brother dearly she came round to the fact that he didn't seem to care anymore. Jakob does care about his family he is just so angry with Dom and himself. Dom for kicking him out and himself for accidently hurting his father and leaving the girl he promised he wouldn't leave. There isn't a day that goes by that the youngest Toretto boy and girl don't think about each other.

Right now the Mikaelson's are looking at the 12 year olds memories seeing her in the backyard playing basketball with Vince laughing and smiling much more in than in the past memory shown which gives them all some sort of comfort knowing that she is doing better than before.

"Guys pizza's here" now 19, soon to be 20, year old Mia calls out just as Zoe scores and because of dinner being here wins the game as she has scored more than Vince

The two honorary sibling share a look before sprinting towards the house wanting to beat the other

Once the two wash their hands they sit down at the table as conversations, smiles and laughs were passed between the family who were perfectly content with each other.

After they finished dinner Zoe and Vince took turns in showering and once they finished they got ready to go out as tonight there is a race

"Zoe you ready?" Dom shouts from the bottom of the stairs when at that exact moment she walks down the stairs ready

"Yeah let's go" she replies "can I ride with you?" she questions her older brother

Dom smiles softly "Course you can" he says softly

"God I can't wait to be able to race" she mumbles under her breath unaware of her older brother hearing her and smiling mischievously obviously up to something

The Mikaelson's squint at the look apart from Hope who is basically bouncing in her spot knowing what this is

"What is he planning?" Klaus questions curiously, everyone else wanting to know too look towards the tribrid, who doesn't answer just grins at them which causes the supernatural family to worry

Pulling up where the street race is being held Dom and Zoe exit his car as everyone stares at the group

"Wassup man" the man who runs the race scene, named Hector says to Dom

"Hey Hector" the oldest Toretto replies as the two men bro hug

Zoe jumps on the hood of Dom's car with Letty and Mia standing at either side of her

"You racing tonight?" Zoe questions looking at Letty knowing Mia can drive she just doesn't race

"I don't know, probably not chica" Letty responds to the were-coyote witch

"How much tonight?" Dom questions

Zoe tunes back into the conversation always interested in the racing and how much will be won

"2gs man" Hector responds him having the same mischief in his eyes as Dom has in his

Dom hands the money over before turning to his baby sister holding the keys out

The Mikaelson's and their extended family's eyes widen realising what Dom is doing

"Is-is he serious?" Marcel stutters in disbelief

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now