Chapter 18

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After the long week at school it is now finally the weekend and Zoe couldn't be happier just wanting to stay in bed till at least 12pm. But that all went down the drain when she got a text from Laura.

L- Hey, you busy?

Z- Still in bed, why?

L- Was wondering if you wanted to come over?

Zoe looks at the time and sighs 10:46am but decides to go anyway

Z- Sure, i'll text you when i'm ready and about to leave

L- Ok

Laura's pov

I walk down stairs about to ask my mom if Zoe can come over.

"How are we inside Laura's head too?" Hayley questions confused

"It might be because of her connection to Zoe" Freya suggests

"Hey mom" Laura says walking into the kitchen gaining Talia, Peter, Derek and Camden's attention

"Hey sweetie, what's up?" Talia asks her eldest with a smile

"Can my new friend come over?" she asks as Peter perks up slightly

"Zoe?" Peter questions with a hint of a smile gaining confused looks from his sister and nephew but grins from Laura and Camden

Laura nods looking at her mom "Of course sweetheart" the alpha tells her daughter

"Head's up she's been through a lot and doesn't like letting people in so she might come off as cold and rude but-" Laura starts only to be cut off

"It's ok I get it she might be standoffish until she warms up to us" Talia says in understanding

"She may also threaten you" Peter shrugs casually earning looks from the rest of our family "when we first met she threw me over her shoulder, almost broke my arm and had her foot against my throat then told me she was going to kill me" he explains causing his family to chuckle "it's not funny, she was serious!" he exclaims

"Uncle Peter's scared of a girl" Derek Hale, Laura's 5 year old brother states with a teasing grin on his face

Peter scowls "I am not scared" he states confidently

"No but you have a crush on her" Laura states smugly

Talia turns wide eyes to Peter seeing he has a slight blush on his face, to say the Hale alpha was shocked was an understatement seeing as she knows her little brother never actually liked anyone romantically he just had flings

"I do not!" He shouts startling the group who are also trying not to laugh

Just as Laura was about to say something her phone dings

Z- I'm ready

Laura sends Zoe her address before looking up "She's on her way" she says

Zoe's pov

I walk down stairs after showering, brushing my teeth, doing my usual make up etc, dressed in a black crop top, blue jean shorts with a black belt considering it's a nice day out, her usual necklaces, rings and earrings, her hair curled and in a messy ponytail with two pieces fanning her face and she puts on her white converse high tops

"Where are you going?" Han questions as he sees her outing her shoes on "Didn't think you was going to be up till the afternoon" he chuckles slightly Zoe joining in

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now