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''Mr. Mongola can you send Ms. Violet Hale to the front office." Mrs. Huges said over the intercom. I looked at Rose across the room where she sat with Emmett. They both smiled softly at me and I smiled at them.

"Of course. Mrs. Hale I am sure your siblings can get you your assignments." He said and Rose nodded.

I grabbed my bag and placed my books into it before zipping it close. I walked the overly white halls. I scrunch up my nose as I walked to the office. Standing in the office was Carlisle and Mrs. Huges. She had a flush of pink and the smell of arousal. I felt like gagging.

"Hey dad. You take mom to her appointment?'' I said with a smile. Carlisle turned and smile. His eyes twinkled once he realized what I was doing.

"Yeah. She is excited for this new opportunity." His eyes twinkling as he talked about Esme. I can't wait to have a man talk about me like that.

"Thank you Mrs. Huges." Carlisle said and walked to me before opening the door.

I walked through and he walked with me. It was weird to think how much my life has changed. Here I am 70 years later still in school with a dad that isn't mine. I didn't speak much as we got into the car. He started it and he drove us to towards La Push.

"Why do we do this?'' I asked as I felt us get closer to Rez. It was like a pull I never knew was there.

"It is for piece of mind. I think it helps the wolves to see me in person. To know I am not lying when I say that we don't have a new member." Carlisle said like it was normal.

"We don't ask about their members." I snark quietly.

"Violet. I think you're taking Rosalies anger out on the wrong people.'' He said with a knowing tone as he pulled to the side of the road. I looked around seeing no one.

"We walk from here." He said as he got out. I opened my door and sighed. I really didn't want to do this but Carlisle insisted.

"Why must we walk? Why not meet at a diner or something?'' I asked I looked at my shoes. Rose let me borrow her 3 inch white go go boots. She will be pissed if they get ruined. I sighed as I took them off and placed them back in to car.

"Paul hates being a wolf. So he usually gets angry enough to shift because we cause the transformation. So. We meet out here away from people." He said as we started walking.

''I didn't realize we cause it. Why do we keep coming back if it is disrupting lives?'' I asked as we started to zip through the forest once we were far enough from the road.

''We ask the question every year. Maybe this year we will get an answer.'' A deep gruff voice answered me. We stopped and I looked at the small group. Each just in jean shorts. There was a scent of wet dog mixed with a deep earthy smell.

"Hello Sam. This is Violet. To answer both of your questions This is one of the easiest place to live in the united states without questions.'' Carlisle said like it was obvious.

"But Carlisle. We are disrupting lives. I think we have done enough of that over the last 100 years.'' I said crossing my arms. He knows me and Rose hate this life.

''Wow. That is a first that me and a leech actually agree." A voice snarked causing me to look up.

I met his brown eyes and I felt like dead heart started to beat again. A life together flashed before my eyes. He was my mates. I felt dread fill me. His eyes widened then darkened. His whole body started to shake.

''Carlisle. I think it is best if you got her out of here." Said who I presumed to be Sam.

Carlisle reached out and placed an arm around me. As he did the almost vibrating man lunged forward transforming into an almost sandy colored wolf.

The wolf snapping towards me than Carlisle. I immediately stood infront of the man who is like a father my hands both igniting into flames. The wolf stepped back looking at me still growling. I could almost feel him rejecting our bond. He didn't need to say it. I could feel the hate radiating from him. The disgust.

"We will be in touch. Paul! Stand down.'' Sam said him stepping inbetween us. I closed my palms my fire disappearing.

"Violet. Come on. Let's get you back to the car." Carlisle said placing his arm back around me turning us away from the wolves.

Paul snapping again but I heard more tearing of clothes then louder growling. I turned and saw a black wolf standing over Paul. Paul growling as he laid on the ground submissively. I fought against Carlisle tight grip to turn around and defend my mate but he would just hold tighter.

''Violet. We can't interfere." Carlisle whispered but I fought anyways. Until he sped away picking my up on the way.

''But Carlisle. He's my." I started to say.

''I know. But we don't even know what this all means and right now we need to protect our family. Protect Rose. We don't need a war right now.'' Carlise said as he put me down by the car.

''Why would it be him?'' I asked sitting in the car closing the door. He opened his and sat down.

''I don't know honey. I don't know.'' He said concerned a U-turn speeding off.

''If there is a vampire God. He is fucking funny. Gives me the ability to control the one thing that kills us. Then gives me a mate that is my mortal enemy. My life is just great." I groaned as he sped through the town.

''I think they are very funny." He said grimly.

"How am I going to tell Rose. She already hates them.'' I said thinking of her reaction.

"I think she will be mad but eventually get over it. If I know Rosalie is that she wants her sister to be as happy as she is." He said with a soft smile. I smiled as it did make me feel a little bit better.

But if I could feel the rejection from him in wolf form than I know he will reject me in person. I have heard of rejecting a mating bond can actually cause so much pain the killing onesself is the only relief. I don't want that. I want a mate that is devoting and loving. Not one who will resent me. Which from what is sounds like Paul already hates me for just existing. I sighed looking out the window as the town passed by.

''When is mom getting home?'' I ask as we pulled up to the house. I could hear Rose and Emmett talking in the house. I forgot that we all are suppose to have college classes from 1 to 6. So we all get out of class at lunch.

"6 I think. '' Carlisle said as pulled into thr garage. I sighed knowing I would have to speak to Rose first.

"Violet. How did it go?'' Was the first thing I was asked when I walked into the house. I sped to my room with rose one my heels. I placed her boots and my bag down by the door before laying on my bed.

"What happened?" She demanded as she sat next to me.

"Nothing bad. Well you might think it's bad." I said trying to reassure her.

"What is it?'' She asked annoyed. I sat up and looked at her crossing my legs.

"One of the wolves are my mate." I whispered dropping my eyes from hers. She laughed. Hard.

"Why are you laughing?'' I asked surprised. Me asking that made her stop short.

''You're being serious. You're not joking?" She asked her facing changing to serious.

"I am. This is so fucked up rose. He already hates me. He changed and it looked like he was going to attack Carlisle. So I immediately jumped into protective mode. It was awful." I groaned and laid back with my hands over my face.

"What are you going to do?" She asked in a quiet voice.

''I have no clue. No fucking clue." I said wanting to curl up and cry.

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