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I laid there for almost 2 hours before I heard a car pull up. I think it actually was a truck. I heard foot steps on wooden porch.  I smelt his deep earthly scent drift through the floor boards.

''Did you get a new set of flowers Em. Because Jesus Christ.  The smell of flowers is overpowering." Pauls voice drifted through the house. 

"Paul.  Take a seat." Sam said and I think he placed a plate in front of him.

"Take a seat? How ominous." He snarked with a laugh.  I heard silverware scrap a  plate.

"Something had happened to Violet." I heard him choke slightly. 

"Good.  The leech needs to die." Paul snarked but his heart speed up.

"She is very sick. I brought her here.  She is upstairs." Sam said matter of factly.

"What?!" Paul yelled and I think he stood up as I heard a chair fall.

"Billy and Harry both made the decision too allow her to be here. Billy had asked me too Order you to spend time with her." Sam explained.

"Over my dead body." Paul yelled furiously and my stomach twisted.  I swallowed to bile in my throat.

"Paul.  It is over your dead body.  If she dies.  So do you.  She is on the verge of death. Because of your grudge." Sam yelled back.

"Boys. No yelling.  Or shifting in the house."


Emily and Paul both talking over eachother.  Paul seemed like he got kicked in the stomach and Emily was just irritated. But there was a smaller heart beat in her stomach that could be the cause of that.  I bet none of them even know.

"Billy told us a story. About an shifter that rejected his imprint that was one of them.  It killed the vampire and inturned killed the shifter.  You are close to dying." He said and as he finished I turned to the side and grabbed the bin Sam set there a couple hours ago. 

I would think that all the blood would be out of my system after not drinking it for a week. But it doesn't seem to stop. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs.  I felt hot hands pulling my hair back.  I pulled away from the bucket gasping. I looked up and met Pauls eyes and they looked so lost. Before everything for me went black.

*Pauls POV*

I had so many thoughts in my head as I watched Violet throw up what looked like tar. Confusion. Disgust.  Worry. Worry was the main one.  My feelings towards the leeches aside.  This is my imprint. My wolf chose her for me.  And she is dying.  Because of me.

The moment her eyes met mine it was like I was home.  It has been a struggle being away from her.  A constant fight of overbearing need to be with her. But it washed away the moment our eyes met.   It was for a split second.  But that was all the monsters inside of us needed to be okay.

That was until Violets eyes rolled back into her head and she started to seize. Sam pulled away and looked ad shocked as I was.  He grsbbed her shoulders and tried to still her.

"Violet. Violet! You are okay.  You need to come out of this." Sam said but it just got worse.  I held myself in the door way as I watched this play out.  My heart in my throat. As much as I hate their whole. Species. Watching this terrified me.

"Do something. Anything Sam." I almost pleaded.  Sam just sat there for a second before looking at me.

"I have an idea.  Switch me spots.'' Sam said but I couldn't move. I just stared at her. ''Now Paul.'' Sam ordered and I immediately moved. 

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