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I haven't spoken to anyone since last night and to say things have been tense is to say the least. Rose is still hurt but I refuse to apologize. She went behind my back to try to break my mate bond. When I don't want that. I want Paul. I sighed as I sat in the same tree I sat in when I first met Paul.  It felt fitting.  This is the spot where it all began.

"I know you're there Rose." I said looking into the first towards her. I saw her step out and she looked almost guilty. 

"I guess you are meeting him?" She asked walking towards the tree. She had her eyes trained on me. 

"Is that not okay with you? Or are you going to research a way to control me next?" I snap listening for any heavy foot steps. None yet.

"No." She almost whispered and I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Look Rose.  I don't really want to talk to you right now.  I just want to see Paul." I said and I felt my heart flutter when I heard heavy steps in the distance.

"Vio-" Rose started and I just glared at her stepping right up to the boundary line.

I heard a low growl rumble and I turned towards Paul.  He must have heard me and came running. He was looking at Rose with a snarled lip and hate in his eyes.

"Paul." I said softly as I smiled softly and kneeled. I reached a hand put slowly and he laid is big sandy colored head against my palm.  His fur is soft. His eyes closed and I felt myself wanting to cry. My home is standing right here.  I feel the hole in my heart immediately fill. I don't feel a big gaping hole where only Paul fills anymore. It doesn't hurt.

"Rose.  Please.  We'll talk later.  Just let us have this." I all but beg. And turned to her slightly. I saw her nod before turning and speeding away.  I felt myself sigh happily as I turned back to Paul.

His brown eyes on me and I just rubbed his head. For the first time actually.  He usually always immediately changes back. He would always have a smile or joke for me. I sighed knowing that it is probably gone for a while. I saw the shorts tied to his shorts and I noticed wrapped in them looked like a shirt. But that is weird because Paul hates wearing shirts.

"Are you wearing more clothes in the last 24 hours?" I half joked but he just pulled away and walked to behind a tree and I felt my heart soar hearing him shift back.

It sounds weird but it had been less than 24 hours but I had missed him so much.  I have spent as much time with him everyday. For the last month and that made our mate bonds grow fast.  And strong. And having two pulls from two different mate bonds made it harder on each other to be away more than a few hours. I don't know how we will survive this.

I was pulled from my thoughts by Paul walking around the tree with a black shirt and denim shorts.  He looked breathtaking. He smiled down at me as I reached for his hand and I pulled him to me. I wrap my arms around him not caring if he probably wouldn't like it. His earthy scent filled my senses and I sighed.  He slowly wrapped his arms around me and I sighed again at the warmth. It was like being wrapped in a blanket fresh out of the dryer. I didn't want to pull away so I just stood there.  My arms wrapped around Paul.  But he didn't seem to mind.  His heart went from beating fast when I first hugged him to calm.  A steady beat.

"I missed coming home to you." He whispered and pulled back. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I missed you coming back to me." I said and Paul smiled shyly. 

"You think our bonds make us feel this way or?" I whispered taking in the way his face looks when he smiles.

"I think that it did before.  But not know.  Now Paul just really wants to kiss you." He said looking down at me into my eyes and I stood on my tip toes.  Almost reaching his lips.

"What's stopping you?" I asked and he immediately kissed me.

His lips were soft. It was like everything fell into place. He moved a hand from around my waist to hold my face as he deepens the kiss.  Cold mixing with warm. Well really hot. As he kissed me harder I felt the heat coming from him seem to double.  But not painfully or uncomfortably. It was like being wrapped in a bubble bath.  As weird as it sounds.  The warmth.  The comfort. I pulled away and he panted slightly.

"I have been wanting to do that since I saw you that very first day." He panted before kissing me lightly this time.

"I was so scared when I first saw you.  I knew you probably hated me." I said and I looked down. Paul lifted my chin and I looked into his brown eyes.

"I hated our situation. But I never hated you. How could I." Paul said kissing my forehead before pulling me towards a log. We sat down and he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me so I was flush against him.

"What happened after I left last night?" I was almost worried to ask.

"I told the council your story. But we couldn't discuss much more after that because Quail.  The Areteras son shifted.  We had to leave to help him." He said in a grim tone.

"God.  We are just ruining lives." I groan hating the thought that we are destroying people's lives.

"Hey. This isn't a curse. I use to think it was.  Then I met you.  Then it all made sense. All of it. We were supposed to meet.  We were supposed to be together." Paul said and I just looked at me.  It was something I never thought I would hear from Paul.

"But what will happen if Edward changes Bella?" I asked worried about what will happen. It would be a war. An ugly one.  I would fight on their side. I don't think Bella should be change. 

"It will get ugly. But I will make sure the council will know where you stand.  That you stand with us.  You always will." Paul said and I nodded.

"God my life is so messed up.  I never thought I would be willing to leave the Cullen's." I said looking around the Forest as if someone will hear. I have enough issues with them right now.

"Do you regret meeting me?'' he asked hurt. And I immediately looked at him shocked he'd think that.

"Of course not. I hate the mess we are in. But I will never regret you. I can promise that.'' I said and kissed his cheek. That made him almost blush and I wanted to gush about how cute he looked like that.  But I don't want to embarrass him.

"When will you talk with the council again'' I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Billy is putting together a meeting next week.  But he approved our meetings and we have figured out that the diner in town is a grey area.  So I can actually go there to see you. Which might be difficult with the whole not eating thing." Paul said and he looked so hopeful and I didn't care what I had to do to see him.  I would do it.

"We will figure it out.  Don't worry." I said with a soft smile and he smiled back before placing a soft kiss on my head.

Paul was more affectionate than I thought he would be.  Not that I minded. I just figured he would be more about his personal space.  But even when I was staying with Emily he was affectionate. Just not like this.  But he was very touchy.

"How is Emily?" I asked changing the subject. His eyes lit up at the mention of her.  Everyone has a soft spot for Emily. Hell I even do.

"She is good.  She misses you." He said like it was the best news he is giving.

"I miss her.  It is so weird I saw everyone yesterday and it feels like forever." I said with a shrug.

"It think it is because you started to become a pack member. So we connected on a deeper level than others." Paul said and I nodded along.

"Well. We will have to invite the the diner one day. " I said with a smile at how happy that seemed to make Paul.

"I will make arrangements." He said kissing me softly on my lips this time and I smiled softly into it.

Paul is definitely my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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