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*Violet POV*

''He is going to be disgusted watching me drink this.'' I told Sam as he placed the bag of blood on the bed. 

''He just needs a few minutes alone.'' Sam said opening the bag a grabbing a small tumbler out.

"You know.  After I drink this.  I would like a few minutes with Paul.  Alone.'' I said as I flipped up the straw. 

''Me and Emily need to go into town anyways.'' He said with a smile and I just nodded.  I waited until he left before I started to drink the tumbler.

I didn't even realize how bad the burn has been until the lukewarm liquid slipped down my throat.  It was like pouring water on a fire.  And thankfully my stomach didn't twist.  It was like a flipping of a switch. It was like I could feel the strength flood my body again. I sat forward and grabbed the bag.  Placing the empty tumbler in before grabbing the 2nd one.  There were 4 in there.  I probably won't drink all of them. But I know I need more.  Especially after weeks without it.


I smelt and heard Paul climb the stairs as I gained enough strength to stand and push the bag under his bed.  I smiled softly as he knocked.  It is his room and he is knocking.

''This is your room.'' I giggle as he opened the door.  His eyes opened wide seeing me up.

''You should be resting.'' He said walking forward and resting a warm hand on my arm.

"Trust me.  If I lay in bed for one more minute I will go crazy. I have been bed bound for weeks.'' I said relishing in his warm touch. I looked up at him. I never noticed how tall he was.  Maybe 6'3 and he towered over my 5'6 frame.

''Still.  You need to rest.  Come sit.'' He said and sat down on the bed.  I held back a sigh and sat with my back against the wall.

"Sam said you wanted to talk. They left about 10 minutes ago.'' Paul said and he almost looked uncomfortable.

"I know you hate vampires.  I mean.  We are the reason for derailing your life. But you have to realize.  That sometimes we don't choose this life. That someone of us wanted a life. A husband.  A family.'' I trailed off and picker at my fingers.  It has always been a nervous tell of mine.

''So.  What? You were changed against your will?" Paul snided and I held back a flinch at his tone.

''Yes.  Me and my twin sister Rose were turned against our wills." I said in an sad tone.

''Couldn't you have said no?'' Paul snided and I sighed looking down. 

''I said no. A lot that night.'' I mumbled quietly.  But of course he heard me.

''What do you mean?'' He asked in a breathless voice. I looked up and could tell he was working it out. 

"Me and Rose were walking home from a friends house.  It was November 27. 1933. It had been snowing so most of the lights were out.  Except for one.  And huddled under it was Roses Fiancé. Royce King and his misfits of high end college friends. He called Rose over.  I begged her not to.  But she was obssessive with him. Well I think love more than him.  But she dragged me along. The smell of Alcohol was overbearing. You didn't need special senses for that. I don't need to go into gory details.  I just know it was 6 guys sharing us. They beat us.  I think one burned me with his lighter while he. Um. I think that is why my ability is fire." I stopped for a second.  Trying to get my thoughts together. I looked up and he looked appalled.

"Carlisle smelt all the blood.  They left us lying in the snow.  I remember reaching for Roses hand and when Carlisle came I begged for him too save her.  He said he was a doctor.'' I finished and looked down at the quilt on his bed.

''You were changed.  Against your will. After. After being forced to.'' He stammered out.  I nodded and he reached out and grabbed my hand.

''I am so sorry that happened to you Violet.'' Paul whispered and squeezed my hand tightly.

"I met some vampires about 10 years after I was changed.  I was a mess still. But they helped.  They were a mated pair.  But after about 10 years of an intense relationship. I wanted to find my mate. We are all still good friends.  I actually wrote to them about you.  They were so happy for me.'' I trailed off when I saw a small smile on his face.

''Already telling your EXs about me. I must have made a good impression.'' He joked and I laughed. A laugh that was much needed after that conversation. 

"You very much did.'' I said with a soft smile.

"You said your ability is fire?'' He questioned and I looked down embarrassed.

"Yeah.  I haven't practiced since.'' I didn't have to finish.  He knew.

"Show me." He said with almost an eagerness to his voice.

I pulled my hand from his and opened my palm.  The flame that immediately ignited there was larger than I inteaded it to be.  But it showed off how much I need to practice again.

''Kind of ironic your ability is the very thing that kills your kind." Paul said in an almost sarcastic voice. I laughed.

"Your telling me." I said and closed my palm.  The fire disappearing immediately.

''Violet.  Your my imprint.  I would like for you to stay here.  If the council allows it. I want to spend time getting to know Violet. And not the vampire.  I am telling you right now.  It is not going to be easy.  I have issues with a lot of things. Vampire and not. If you want to try this very uncharted territory with me.  I'd be willing to try." He looked almost nervous and it was actually kind if cute. I grabbed his hand and that caused him too look up.

"We have gotten this far.  We can only go forward.  Right?'' I said with a smile. 

He smiled softly and I felt butterflies in my stomach. His smile causes his face to soften. Like he finally let himself have something good. Or maybe he finally realized that something good came out of his shift.

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