Chapter 20

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~Sunday, 19/02/23 - 7:57 pm

Julianna's POV.

"Juju, it's almost dinner time." A voice whispered as I was shaken awake.


I opened my eyes and I saw Sawyer towering over me trying to wake me up.

"Hi Juju." He said as he noticed me looking at him.

"Time?" I asked him.




"You hungry? He asked me.

I was starving since I didn't get to eat my lunch, but I didn't want to tell him that. I just wanted to ignore him because Georgia could be telling the truth and saying that Sawyer doesn't actually want to be my friend, he was just forced to look after me. And Georgia's right about me being fat and ugly, so I think she is right about Sawyer. Sawyer somehow broke my walls that I had up for everyone else down, I trusted him and all I get in return are sh1tty lies. He managed to change my personality and stop swearing and being rude or "disrespectful" to others, I should've never let him into my life."

"What's on your mind Juju?" Sawyer asked, as he moved to drag a chair up to the bed.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"You're panicking." He pointed out.

"I'm not." I snapped.

"Juju, what's wrong?"

"I already told you nothing is fvcking wrong, so just fvck off." I yelled.

He looked really shocked and hurt by my outburst.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry." I whispered.

"It's fine. Let's go to dinner." He said not even making eye contact with me.

He looked really upset as he stood up and walked out the door.

"Sawyer?" I asked as I followed him out the door.

He ignored me and continued walking out the tower.

"Sawyer please." I pleaded.

He sighed and didn't even turn around to look at me.

"What do you want Julianna?" He asked annoyed and clearly upset.

"Nothing." I muttered, disappointed that I just pushed my closest friend in this school away.

I didn't feel like eating anymore, besides, Sawyer probably won't care where I go. So I quickly and quietly ran away from the dining hall. I don't even know where I was running to, I just ran. When I got far enough, I stopped running and broke down in tears. I somehow ran all the way back to my tower and ended up outside Sawyer's room. I twisted the doorknob in hopes no one was in there and that it wasn't locked. Luckily for me it was unlocked. I walked inside and I curled up on Sawyer's bed. Then I noticed his hoodie wasn't on the bed. So I started looking around to hopefully find it. I don't know why I like his hoodie so much, it could be because it smells like him, but it also makes me feel safe. Then I heard someone walk out of the bathroom!

"Jules?" Elliot asked me as he peeked his head into Sawyer's room.


"Why aren't you at the dining hall?" He asked me.

I couldn't think of a good enough excuse, I could either say my sugars were low so I came back for juice or I could say I woke up here and I was waiting for Sawyer to come back. But the thing is, I don't want Elliot to go and tell Sawyer where I am...

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