Chapter 1 - Blood, Sweat and Tears

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He gradually opens his eyes. The vision took 5 seconds to come back. Cool breeze with a scent of ocean is the first thing his nostrils explored. He was on a queen size bed in pyjama and T – shirt. He looks outside the door of balcony and listen to the waves. Confused and terrorized in the moment he remembers of the frightful event; he sits immediately only to discover a mid-aged woman sitting on stool in front of bed.

'Where am I? Am I kidnapped?' he first thought.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" woman asked

"Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you?" he questions back while scanning the room.

The room was simple. The room is big enough with white walls. There is an olive-green couch in one corner with a small centre table and a tv in front of it. At another corner a study table with comfy olive-green coloured chair. The main wall had designed in olive green again.

"I am your nurse. For rest of your query, I am not the right person to answer. How are you feeling please tell me first? I need to inform the doctor."

"Doctor? Is this a hospital?"

"I am afraid not. You are getting private services. Let me check your pulse."

"Private services? What do you mean by that? I do not have so much money to pay for bills. Let me go please." he replied.

He gets up quickly only to found that he does not have much strength. He trembles and fell on floor. But why?

"OMG! wait, I'll call someone." Nurse ran outside the door.

In a minute two suited men in black and a man which shines like sun appeared from door looking perplexed. The other two men in suits helped to lie him on bed.

"What happened? Why was he on floor? Can you not do your work properly?" the man hissed at nurse.

Nurse shuddered.

Analysing the situation, the boy shriek, "It's not herrrr faultttt."

He is [sweating] and feeling heavy with the memories of that horrible rainy night. Few droplets appear on his forehead while one rolled down to successfully land on tip of his nose. He was struggling but failing miserable in the grip of two men. The men were suited in black; he was sure he is kidnapped by some mafia and they are his men. The man's head turns to the voice.

"It is my fault. She just asked for my wellbeing but I want to go from here hurriedly. May I know where am I? and who are you people?" he speaks mellowing down his tone trying to regain his composure.

"Hello! I am Jung Ho-seok. I am the manager here. You should not run boy, you are hurt in your legs, you have fracture?" the man smiled like a sunshine.


"Yes, your fibula, I mean calf bone is cracked."

Boy recalls the incident and starts [sweating] more. It must have cracked when he was pushed on bed that disturbing rainy night.

"Its I don't know how I came here lying on this expensive bed, getting private treatments in such extravagant room." his voice is cracking but he continued,

"Listen, I know nothing and if you let me go, I will not utter a word to anyone of that night and of that uncle. Please, I do not have so much money to pay the bills. In fact, I do not have a bank account either. I am a humble bellboy whose existence is like a speck of a dust. I am nobody." he pleaded in an overly soft voice.

"What are you saying? Uncle?" Jhope chuckles.

"See, I do not know what happened after I fainted. I promise you; I will not say a word to even my best friend Jimin who is all I have. Please free me, I do not have any money for ransom. As I said I am a mere bellboy."

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