8. Here Comes The Start

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Haisley's POV
I had my final exam for my high school graduate and I also had my graduation so now I am finally working on my college resume for becoming a surgeon. I also talked to everyone at the hospital for recommendations for colleges and I think I know which one I will be attending so I can be a surgeon. I will be attending the same university dad went to, the university of Iowa. He doesn't know that yet as a surprise to him. I plan to tell him on his birthday which is soon from now so I'm hoping that I can get in before his birthday and give him that as a gift.

As I'm working on my resume I keep double checking everything and I hear steps coming from upstairs so I quickly put it in my bag and switch it for college pamphlets that I grabbed to psych him out. "Hey, morning" I head dad say and he kisses my forehead and grabs his breakfast. "Do you want some?" He checks with me "I ate already but thank you."

"What are you working on?" He asks and I get my story ready. "Just checking for college's more than once in case I need to add something to my résumé's." I tell him "I'm so proud of you. Oh crap, I gotta get to work. I love you" He says quickly and hugs me quickly and I hug him back. "Love you too, be a bad ass in there." I always tell him "Always am" He says and when he leaves I finish my resume and I grab the mailing stuff to send it in.

"Please please please accept me in. I need this" I wish to myself and I quickly mail it in and decide to go back home to study with dad's notes and text books. I can tell how hard he tried to get in, some people don't see it but I do.

"I think I did everything right." I realize after seeing everything he had and it looks like his so I am perfect.

When I get to the hospital I am working on distracting myself for a bit because it's actually a quiet and slow day today. As I'm working on that aunt Meredith comes up to me.

"Hey kiddo, how's your college applications going?" Should I tell her I sent them in or not. No because she doesn't always keep secrets well. "Still working on them, gotta make sure they're perfect." "You have great scores and all of your teachers loved you. Plus you've grown up around doctors since day one of your life. You have this" Aunt Meredith encourages me and Dr. Bailey comes and when she sees me she gives me a big hug and I hug her back.

"Hey my warrior, your dad says you've been working hard on your college applications. He's so proud of you and we are all so proud of you. You better be going to a great school where you will get the best teachers as you are becoming a doctor." Bailey excitedly tells me

"I will, I promise Bailey." I assure her and she smiles at me. "We're rooting for you, all of us." Bailey says with proudness and aunt Meredith smiles brightly at me.

After 8 hours later I get home with dad and as I'm in the car with him I just keep thinking about my applications.

"Hey, are you ok? You seem stressed about something." Dad notices "Yeah I'm fine, just tired is all." I tell him to move on from me. "You sure that's all?" Dad checks with me "Positive" I say with a smile. I can do this

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