Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World

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The port authority of Cartalpas was extremely busy.

"Sailing? The Grade Atlastar? There are meetings scheduled for tomorrow and the day after!"

In response to Bronto's question, his subordinates answered, perplexed.

"They apparently stood up abruptly at the beginning of the meeting."

"...What the hell did they come here for?"

"They demanded us... to submit to them."

Bronto, still perplexed, confirmed his deduction.

"They are going to declare war on the entire world!?"

"We won't know for sure until we ask them directly, but... that's the usual assumption."

Bronto now looked grim.

"They've gotten conceited after defeating Leifor... so in the end, they're just barbarians from beyond the civilized world. You know what? Fine. Hurry up and get them the hell outta here!"

Thanks to the efforts of the port authority personnel, the Grade Atlastar swiftly departed from Cartalpas in an unprecedented manner.

. . .

The FIC of the Hyūga was shrouded in a different kind of tension.

"These are images received from the information-gathering satellite."

As the communications officer explained, the high-ranking officers of Escort Flotilla 0 focused their gaze on the display.

"This... isn't this a battlefield!?" one of them exclaimed, speaking for all.

The communication team zoomed in on a part of the image.

"We haven't confirmed the markings, but this sinking ship is a magic battleship of the Holy Mirishial Empire... Considering the location, it's undoubtedly the 0th Magic Fleet."

"Where was this image taken?"

Asked by Samejima, the communication team members realized they had forgotten to explain.

"It's the Magdola Archipelago, sir. West of Cartalpas, approximately 500 kilometers."

A murmur rose among the officers.

"That's too close!"

"Ships sailing at 30 knots will take less than half a day!"

A brutal battle was taking place in their vicinity. The realization shocked them.

"Who could be Mirishial's match? Well, we can probably guess."

"I think you're right."

Saying that, they returned the image and zoomed in on another part.

"We can't identify individual ships, but they all resemble old Japanese Navy warships. It's undoubtedly the Gra Valkas Empire."

A groan rose among the officers.

"When can the satellite take pictures of this area again?"

"The planet is huge, and there are only four operational satellites—"

"I'm not asking for excuses; I'm asking for numbers."

To everyone's surprise, Samejima, who had never shown such an attitude before, was pressing for details.

"...Four days later, sir."

Despite Samejima's stern expression, he continued with his questions.

"Can't the satellites change their orbits?"

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