Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs

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The train heading to Can Brid was equipped with interiors and furnishings surpassing even the luxurious trains that JR (Japan Railways) had introduced for profit improvement. The Holy Mirishial Empire must have paid considerable attention, carrying attendees of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference. Unfortunately, compared to Japan's railways, the ride was noticeably inferior.

To the Japanese observer, inside the rattling train compartment, the Foreign Minister appeared quite uneasy. After all, his counterpart was a formidable figure with four horns. Despite having a ceiling with ample space for humans, it seemed cramped for him. Keeping Kondō's advice in mind, the Foreign Minister spoke cautiously, "While our country welcomes you at any time, may I inquire about the true intention behind this sudden proposal for a meeting, Sir Moriaul?"

Moriaul, perhaps due to the small size of the sofa, shifted his body slightly to find a more comfortable position.

"I assume you already know that too?"

"Well? I have no idea."

"There is a battle taking place in Cartalpas right now."

"Yes, that's correct, but what of it?"

Moriaul couldn't tell if this man was obfuscating stupidity or genuinely a retard.

"It goes without saying. Fleet-Class Anti-Air Annihilation Magic and guided magic bullets."

Kondō hastily passed a memo to the Foreign Minister.

"He might be mistaking our SDF's weapons for magic. The Fleet whatasomething could be Aegis, and the guided whatasomething might be missiles."

The Foreign Minister realized it might be a request for technology transfer. "So, you want our country's weapons?"

Moriaul nodded dramatically. "We dragonfolk are far superior to humans when it comes to magical power. Let us show you how skillfully we can wield it compared to you."

Although the dragonfolk were known for their magical supremacy, this was going a bit too far for the Japanese. Unfounded confidence was indeed the reason.

"Then, even if we provide weapons, how does it benefit our country?"

Moriaul began to wonder if this man was really stupid.

"Do you remember my mention of 'spatial divination' at the beginning of the meeting?"

Kondō passed another note.

"Is it about the revival of the ancient Sorcerous Empire?"

"Yes, the resurrection of the Ravernal Empire is certain. We must prepare for that."

"I agree with that, but why ask for weapons?"

The Japanese were struggling to close their wide-open mouths. To impose such a one-sided demand was arrogant, although not as extreme as the Parpaldia Empire. Although there is a certain degree of mutual understanding regarding Mu, would the Holy Mirishial Empire as a superpower behave in this manner? The Foreign Minister still believed in Mirishial's signboard of 'World's Strongest' as he hadn't witnessed the battle in Cartalpas.

Kondō passed another note.

"We can't afford to be looked down. Invite diplomatic envoys to Japan to showcase the country's strength. But be careful not to offend them."

The Minister directed a questioning look at Kondō.

'Do I really have to be this cautious?'

Kondō returned the gaze.

'Hold on.'

Watching the two, Inoue thought, 'As expected of Ambassador Kondō,' showing a slightly misplaced admiration.

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