Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People

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The National Security Council (NSC) meeting was held at the Prime Minister's office.

"...Thus, an attack by the Gra Valkas Empire targeting the King's Birthday Festival in Mu was thwarted."

So reported the Defense Minister.

The Foreign Minister raised his hand. "Mu has approached us about purchasing the T-4 Kai... which they call 'Yamut.' They are inquiring about buying 200 units."

"200 units!" The Defense Minister exclaimed in surprise. "That's nearly the same number as the T-4 aircraft owned by the Air Self-Defense Force. Exporting that many would make it impossible to train pilots domestically."

"Why don't we just build new ones to replace the ones we export?" The Prime Minister said as if it were a matter of course.

"The procurement of the T-4 by the Air Self-Defense Force has already ended, and production has been discontinued," the Defense Minister replied, and this time, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry raised his hand.

"I approached Kawasaki Heavy Industries, the manufacturer, but couldn't elicit a positive response."

"Why is that?"

"They are already occupied with manpower and facilities for civilian demand. Also, they seem to fear that this might end up as a temporary demand. Since the production line no longer exists, creating a new one would require significant investment, and they are doubtful if there is enough demand to justify such an investment."

Now the Foreign Minister raised his hand.

"We might find a solution to that. Qua-Toyne and Quila are also interested in the T-4 Kai. Although we've made peace with the Eastern Lords' Alliance, human supremacism still prevails around Jin-Hark. While the safety of the border has been ensured, there is still concern about attacks from sea and air. They are in need of air power that can certainly defeat wyverns and their variants."

"And how many are they looking for?"

"Probably around 100 units combined. Considering the 500 wyverns prepared by terrorists in the Louria Incident, this should be sufficient as a deterrent."

The Prime Minister asked the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

"Can we convince the manufacturer with a total of 300 units?"

"It's hard to say without trying, but it seems challenging."

Again, the Foreign Minister raised his hand. "It's on a small scale, but there are other countries showing interest. The Kingdom of Fenn which doesn't possess wyverns and the 73-Nation Alliance which hasn't overcome its trauma with Parpaldia. Moreover, if Mu, the second-ranked country in the world, imports them, new countries may express their desire to import them, especially from the Second Civilization Area."

The Defense Minister interjected, seeking input. "Wait a moment. What about personnel? We managed to handle it this time with a small number, but we don't have facilities to accommodate a large number. Education and welfare are already being neglected, given the prioritization of front-line equipment. There is a shortage of such facilities."

For the third time, the Foreign Minister raised his hand.

"Mu is considering that aspect as well. They are willing to conduct personnel training as much as possible in their own country, so they are requesting the sale of the necessary training facilities."

"Do other countries have the same stance?"

"Probably not to that extent. Mu has actually sent trainees to Japan, understanding the situation here."

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