Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna

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A swarm of interceptors rose, most of them were flying at altitudes higher than the Pal Chimera.

Upon seeing that, Walman felt relieved. If the attack came from above, it could be intercepted with the Atrates cannons. While the 15 cm guns could also intercept them, it was like using a butcher knife to cut a chicken, inefficient in various ways. Among Walman's concerns, the most significant was energy efficiency. Operating at the edge of its range, the remaining quantity of liquid magic stone fuel had to be monitored closely. Moreover, the high-purity liquid magic stone consumed by the Pal Chimera was expensive. Walman was also the type to be concerned about cost-effectiveness.

Initially, Walman planned a strategy of dropping the Zebils while flying at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. That way, the mission could be completed in the shortest possible time. However, the explosion incident with Unit 2 forced a change. The Zebils were now dropped in a stationary state in the air. To ensure safety during the stationary phase, threatening enemy forces had to be dealt with beforehand using Atrates and 15 cm cannons. While aerial forces could be wiped out with the Zebils, Walman felt displeased using liquid magic stone to hit them with the 15 cm guns. However, given the Emperor's orders, he had no choice but to comply.

"New radar contacts! Multiple objects approaching at supersonic speed, those are projectiles!"

In response to the radar operator's report, Walman calmly addressed the situation.

"Make evasive maneuvers just to be safe."

The Pal Chimera maintained its altitude and began zigzagging in flight.

. . .

"Coastal artillery has commenced shelling."


Siegs received the report in the Capital Defense Force command center.

'This won't hit,' he thought. The coastal artillery was designed to attack (repel) warships at sea; it was impossible to aim at a target flying at 200 kilometers per hour in a zigzag pattern. It could only be shot based on the gunner's rough estimate. Still, the probability of hitting was not zero. It was necessary for the defense of Ragna.

A military officer rushed into the command center, "Sir, the photos taken by the recon plane are ready."

"Show me."

Several photos were laid out in front of Siegs. All of them were pictures of the Pal Chimera. Siegs focused on one of the photos.

"It's flying in the sky, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir," the technical officer replied.

"Then why is it leaving a wake?"

Not only the technical officer but almost everyone in the command center focused on the photo.

"...I don't know, sir. In terms of aerodynamics, there's no reason for it to fly, so I can only say it's flying by an unknown principle," the technical officer answered with frustration.

Siegs then gave orders to the air wing commander.

"Secure the best squadron in our unit. I have a special order for them."

. . .

Cunningham, one of the pilots, was preparing for a sortie with the bomb-equipped Antares Mk. 2 when the interruption came.

"What the hell do you want at the last minute?"

Having his sortie preparations halted, Cunningham barked at the messenger soldier irritably.

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