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Author’s pov

It's been two weeks after the accident, and the girl who always used to smile is not smiling at all. She couldn’t take leave from the hospital due to the continuous schedule of operations but she never took rest when she arrived home she did everything for her husband she even helped him in business with the help of his family and his three friends and his dad chachu and dadu completed his work in his office. Not only his family and friends but also the workers of the house were disappointed because of the King’s situation even though his eyes contained coldness he made sure that every single worker lived in peace he gave every child admission in his schools and colleges who are not able to study due to the lack of money. 

Then one day when one of the maids came to his room to clean she saw a slight movement in his fingers she quickly ran and informed his family they called the doctor and reached the room it was not his room the room where King was resting resembled a hospital room with all the necessary medical equipment and gadgets. The walls were painted in a pale white shade, and the air carried the distinct scent of antiseptic. Several monitors were beeping in unison, and a large bed occupied most of the space in the room. Despite the resemblance to a sterile hospital room, the King's wife noticed a few personal touches that made it feel more like a home, such as a family photo on the nightstand and a cozy blanket draped over the bed. The best neurosurgeon and some other doctors came along with his wife who was extremely happy to hear about her husband’s health progress she went towards him and picked his hands in her arms and the next second he held her hand tightly which made her tears fell from her eyes which is already filled. She pecked his knuckles and sobbed. Soon everyone was out of the room including her with only doctors inside. Their hospital policy doesn’t allow a doctor to check after his family member if the patient is in critical condition. After 30 minutes the doctors called everyone inside the room. The doctor talked to his family about his progress in health. Everyone was really happy to hear about him. The doctor gave his diet chart to his wife she took it after everyone left she moved towards him and held his hand then after kissing his hand she cupped his face and kissed his whole face wholeheartedly. He smiled at her he was not able to move his body that easily he wanted to give her a passionate kiss on her lips. She moved her lips towards his as she saw him looking at those juicy red lips. The kiss was gentle and soft after a few minutes they backed out. Then she went downstairs and brought porridge for him after feeding him she went to the dining room ate her food and got back to the room. She lay in the bed beside him with his head on her chest.

A few more days later 

The king is feeling a lot better now and is starting to go to his office again today. He started working a few days ago when he was able to move his hands without any pain. His wife is taking care of him along with her patients. She selected the day duty most and avoided night duty but she was forced to stay in hospital for 2 days due to the critical condition of a baby who is just 5 days old. 

Everyone is excited to see the king again his wife has increased security because of the accident. The accident was not intentional the person who hit the king was on his way to save his sister from some lustful eyes even the bodyguard caught him that day and let him go due to his sister's condition. They all knew that when the king opened his eyes and realized the accident he would scold every single guard for not letting him go. So they let him go. 

It was evening the king waited for his wife in front of the hospital and when she saw him she ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

It was evening the king waited for his wife in front of the hospital and when she saw him she ran towards him and hugged him tightly

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She looked up to see his smiling face. Her co-workers and his workers were happy to see both of them who looked happy. 


Sorry for the late and short update 

I have exams in two months so the revision is going on and I have to study a lot

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