4. The normal Monaco

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I decided to go with Charles. This is my life and I wanna be in charge of it. I do texted Simon, that I wanna be alone right now and that I'll be back soon. I don't want them to call out a national crises because of a missing princess.
We're both quiet in the car, nobody says anything. Charles drives upon a hill before he stops. He gets out and opens the car door for me.

E: Oh wow, this is so beautiful.

C: Told you, it's worth it.

He grins cheeky. I smile to him. Being thankful he showed me this. I walk around and go closer to the cliff. I enjoy the view over the skyline of Monaco.

C: It's my favorite place to go, if I need some space and want to be alone.

E: Oh, so you wanna be alone right now, huh?

I tease him like he does all the time with me. He gasps joking and hugs me from behind. He lifts me up and spins me laughing around.

E: Charles Leclerc!

I scream laughing. He stops and puts his hand on his forehead, acting like he's in the army.

C: The princess is calling me.

E: Charles!

I can't help and start to laugh even more, not able to stop. I try to calm down when I see Charles walking back to the car to get out a blanket and a bottle of wine.

C: I wasn't sure, if you drink wi-

E: I would love some wine, thank you.

He smiles and opens the bottle. He takes out two glasses and gives me one.

C: For you, princess. Cheers!

We sit on the blanket for a while enjoying the peace and silent.

E: Do you have a girlfriend?

C: No, I'm single.

E: But you had a relationship before?

C: I had two relationships. My last one of three years ended a couple of months ago. I broke up with her.

I need to know about his love life but hearing this makes me sad. I look down while he waits for me to be ready for more.

E: Why did you do that? Do you still love her?

C: No, that's why I broke up. I realize she was using me for the fame. We didn't really talk anymore, we only saw us at my races. She became an influencer and model during our relationship. It helped her being with me.

E: I'm sorry to hear that.

C: But that doesn't mean being in love is something bad.

He winks, trying to make me smile again. And it works. I know I can trust him and I love the conversations with Charles. He listens.

E: My brother Simon was very in love. But she couldn't stand the royalty pressure from my family and the media. Simon is the crown prince of Monaco. He has to do so many things for the crown. My life is easier and it's still very under pressure.

C: Are you afraid of that?

E: She broke up with him. Simon was heartbroken for months. I heard him crying every night.

A tear rolls down from my cheek even tho I tried not to cry, but talking about this breaks my heart every single time. Charles notices it and puts his tumb on my cheek to wish the tear gently away.

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