11. Blown Up

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Other than expected the pictures of Charles and me didn't get released. Nobody knows about my little adventure of getting to know the normal life. We all sit together for breakfast. My phone rings with a message of Charles as my dad's assistant walks into it.

Gary: Your majesty, you need to see this.

He turns on the TV and the lastest news are streaming. They show the pictures of us leaving the gym.

The Princess of Monaco was seen leaving a private gym in Monaco with Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc. Not only she is with another man than her fiance, she also dressed like never before. She is only in a sports bra with a black leggings and an oversized jacket, which we know belongs to Charles Leclerc.

I didn't pay attention to the TV, only smiling into my phone texting Charles back

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I didn't pay attention to the TV, only smiling into my phone texting Charles back.

KG: Elisabeth!

He bangs his hand on the table making me look up, seeing how everyone has his eyes on me. I look around confused making my eyes to the TV screen.

E: Oh.

DA: Elisabeth isn't talking with me anymore. She only hides in her room, your majesty.

Can he shut up? It's not only about him all the time. I sink into my chair, trying to disappear. Where is that hole in the ground? I could need it like right now.

KG: You wanna say anything about this?

DA: You better tell me why you're with another man?

E: Can you just leave me alone and leave? Why are you here anyways?

DA: You're my fiance, in case you forgot. Oh wait, you did forget!

He walks over to me and I swallow. I look down, seeing the glance of my dad. Back to being a princess.

E: Of course not, August.

The room gets filled with silence. Nobody says anything. My dad walks nervously around, having his hand on his chin - thinking.

KG: I think it's time for you and August to move in together.

I jump up, wanting to say something but remember I don't have a choice in this. But I wish I could as I see the dirty happy smirk of August next to me.

DA: That would be the greatest, your majesty.

I look to Simon with teary eyes. He notices it and shakes his head to me. I mouth >please<. He sighs and stands up.

S: Dad, don't you think it should wait until after the wedding?

KG: No. It's time for them to get to know each other better and get closer.

E: If you would excuse me.

I curtsy and leave the room quickly. I ran through the hallways of the palace, I feel empty, sad, angry. I don't know what I should feel. I stop. I take a deep breath and go to my room. I get changed into a black leggings and put Charles hoodie over my head. I run outside into the garden and start running. I notice how Ryan follows me with another bodyguard, not knowing what I just planned. I run faster and faster until I can't anymore. I stop as my tears are rolling down my cheeks. Ryan stops with his colleague behind me. He raises his eyebrow, feeling with me. He wishes he could help me, but nobody can. I'm in this alone. This is my destiny. I feel hurt and absolutely heartbroken. There is no way out of August arms. There is no way, dad would ever accept Charles. I break down to the ground, hearing how Ryan wanted to run to me. But he can't. There no physically touch allowed. Also he has tears in his eyes. I look at Ryan with red eyes, tears all over the hoodie.

E: Could you bring my to Charles?

R: Let's go.

He lets go his colleague before and leads me to the car. He drives me to Charles apartment, always looking over to me to make sure I start to calm down.
As I arrive at Charles flat, he was already waiting for me, pulling me into a tight hug.

C: I'm so sorry.

He rubs over my back. I pull him closer, crying into his shoulder. Charles closes the door behind me and brings me to the sofa.

C: Sit down, I'll get you something to drink.

He wishes the tears out of my face before he walks into the kitchen to get some water. He hands me a glass and I drink a sip.

C: What did your dad say?

E: I have to move in with August.

C: Oh fuck.

He swallows and runs his fingers through his hair. Nobody thought dad could ever do this to me. As an awkward silent fills the room I get up to walk to the window. I cross my arms, feeling a bit cold because of this situation. I look over the skyline of Monaco. Charles appears behind me. He turns me around to him as he takes one of my hands. He puts something in it, still having his hand over it.

C: In case you need to escape sometimes, here's the key to my apartment.

E: Charles, I- I don't know what to say.

I look to my hand seeing this key. I'm speechless. He cares so much about me and my feelings. I can't believe I found him but never can be with him.

C: Just take it.

He grins and pulls me into a long hug. I love being in his arms.

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