15. An Invitation

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A few days have passed and I didn't hear anything about Elisabeth anymore. I hope she's okay. I hope he doesn't hurt her anymore. I get up as it rings on the door, seeing the assistant Gary with an envelope.

Gary: Mr. Leclerc, here is a message from the king of Monaco.

I thank him and close the door as he leaves again. I look at the envelope seeing it is very special with gold signs, an official letter from the royalty.

Arthur: What does it say?

C: It's in invitation to a dinner at the palace tonight.

I look up confused to Arthur and Carla who are sitting on the sofa.

Carla: Probably because of Elisabeth?

A: Did you talk to her again now?

C: No. But I mean you can see the news. Everyone is talking about what happened. I'm sure she's stressed. She needs to recover.


I get ready for tonight. I've never been that nervous before. I look into the mirror making sure I look good.

E: Do I look good?

Madeline: You're gorgeous in any way, Elisabeth.

She stands behind me smiling. I look through the mirror to her and nod.

E: I want to be prefect for him.

M: He will be flashed.

The staff curtsy and bows as my mom walks into the room. We turn to her who puts her hand on her heart.

QS: You're beautiful, my dear.

E: Thank you.

She moves my hair behind my ear and I look back into the mirror to make sure it's perfect.

E: Have you talked to dad again?

QS: Simon is talking with him again.

She tries to calm me down. I only nod and hope the talk with Simon helps. A few minutes later Simon is coming to us.

E: Okay, ready.

I know Simon won't tell me anything now. We all go to the entrance of the palace and wait on top of the stairs. My hearts starts beating faster as I see his car driving down the road. The car stops and Charles opens the door. He gets out and I start to run down the stairs. I hear my mom tries to stop me.

C: Wow.

I blush and run into his arms to hug him tight. I take a deep breath of his after shave. How much I missed this.

E: I missed you.

QS: Elisabeth!

I can hear her laughing, because I can't just hug him. But I don't care and she knows she can't stop me. Charles leans towards my ear to whisper:

C: You're very gorgeous, princess.

E: Don't be nervous.

I smile and take a step back.

C: I don't know what to do.

He laughs nervously but I take his hand and squeeze it tight. I want to show him I'm here. We go upstairs where my mom, Simon and Maddie are waiting for us. My dad is waiting inside.

C: Your highness.

He bows. My mom shakes his hand.

QS: Good to see you again, Mr. Leclerc.

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora