CH : 9 - Certain or uncertain love? - Cloud recesses arc (part 6)

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[Sorry for being gone for so long. I had a little break from everything starting from exams and school to hobbies and my phone, so I didn't upload any chapters. But now that I am back, I will try and upload as much as possible with my schedule.]


"I'm telling you that we didn't do anything!"

I yelled out loudly.

Wei Wuxian, who seemingly looked like he didn't believe me, said sarcastically :

"Yeah, sure you didn't. What would a male and female do alone in a room late at night but sleep?"

"That's it, I'm done! If you want to know anything then you can ask Young Master Jiang!"

I yelled, embarrassed, and ran away.

Wei Wuxian tried to stop me with the excuse that Jiang Cheng wouldn't talk but I simply didn't care at the moment.

All I could think of was to run back to my room and lay on the bed with my pillow covering my pink face.

Wei Wuxian couldn't follow me to my room so he had to give up and ask Jiang Cheng instead.


(Jiang Cheng POV)

'I can't believe that I slept in the room of a girl. I mean, she was okay with it but still. She must have felt pressured or threatened to let me in. Either that or she likes me. No, no, no. Why would she like me? I mean we have barely talked to each other.'

While thinking about all of this, Jiang Cheng's face quickly reddened when the thought of a girl liking him romantically popped up inside his head.

[] Quick notice: Jiang Cheng is NOT oblivious.[]

He didn't get to continue his train of thoughts before a knock was heard on his door and then gliding open, letting a person in.

That person was none other than Wei Wuxian.

He went in after closing the door and then jumped in the air on Jiang Cheng.

As for Jiang Cheng. He was already skilled in evading his brother's tricks and pranks.

Wei Wuxian fell on the floor but quickly got up and started talking.

"I didn't expect my Jiang-shidi to do it with a girl he barely knows."

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Cheng looked honestly confused but had a foreboding feeling about this.

As most knows, whatever his brother says is almost always nonsense.

But right now he was saying something and talking to Jiang Cheng as if he had some dirt on him.

To some extent, that was true as it would be seen as a big scandal if the world knew of the fact that Jiang Cheng had slept in Ya Meiying's room late at night.

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