CH : 11 - Timeskip (end of cloud recesses arc)

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[Sorry if I was away for too long. It was my birthday on the 24th of January and I had a big party planned with my friends and family. I guess that's why I didn'thave time to check social media a lot and basically no motivation to write anything. I also had a lot of exams and even more waiting for me. I won't be able to update too soon after this chapter]


Everything was going great.

Jiang Cheng was too shy to confess and Wei Wuxian lost the 10 jars of Emperor's smile.

Ya Meiying and Lan Wangji had a natural relationship. They would greet each other from time to time but that was it.

Everyone had fun for three months straight.

Well, almost.

That one person named Su-something was a pain in the butt.

He insisted on joining the rest in subduing the water ghouls which turned out to be a water abyss.

No matter how hard Meiying tried to stop him from going, it was hopeless.

The bastard just had to almost kill Wei Wuxian.

As an outsider, Ya Meiying was not allowed to participate.

The days went by quickly after that incident and Wei Wuxian still fought Jin Zixuan.

If only he didn't do that. They could have had fun with each other more.

Oh well.

It was fun watching the drama. Jin Zixuan kind of deserved a beating because honestly, he was acting like a brat.

Anyways, Wei Wuxian was sent back to Yunmeng Jiang clan.

There was no longer anyone who pestered Jiang Cheng to confess to Ya Meiying.

The next month's in the Lan clan were relaxing but strict.

Although Meiying lied about the reason she entered the studying at gusu, she found herself enjoying the lessons as it gave her a reminder of her home.

Or rather, her world.

It was lonely. Feeling like an outcast with nowhere to go and no home to return to.

She envied the young masters here. Every single one of them had a place that awaited their return.

While she had indeed always dreamed of going to another world, she did not wish to do it this way. She wondered how much grief she had caused her parents in her lifetime.

Even though she had left her home as soon as she turned 18 and almost cut off contact with her family.

She wondered if there was anyone that missed her.

She doubted it.

After all, she could only see the worst in people with her trust issues and all. She even had a hard time trusting her family and siblings.

There was no specific reason for her trust issues. They just began to form out of nowhere one day.

Enough talking about depressing shit.

Her dream of saving her favorite character and being with her crush can finally come true.

She won't have a hard time trusting them since she already knew how trustworthy they are.


Yeah, probably.


Ever since Wei Wuxian left cloud recesses, there was no longer anyone to cause trouble.

The Lan clan cultivators seemed to enjoy that.

Ya Meiying decided to hang out with Wen Qing the most for the rest of the few months left at cloud recesses.

Seeing as she was the only female that she knew and could talk to, she soon became comfortable with Wen Qing.

The two acted like childhood best friends after a month of hanging out with each other.

As observant as Wen Qing was, it didn't take her more than a few days of association with Meiying to know of her crush.

Things happened and it didn't take long before the few months left of this adventure in school came to an end.

In the end, Ya Meiying had an inkling that Jiang Cheng liked her.

She wasn't oblivious or dumb in that matter even though she doesn't have any experience in that field.

Ya Meiying had decided to stay in Gusu to help the Lan clan defend against the wens and preventing Lan Xichen from meeting Jin Guangyao.

It was a simple matter of time but she had a lot of plans for the Jin clan and they didn't bode well.

Well almost all of the Jin clan. Maybe exclude a few innocent like Jin Zixuan and Mo Xuanyu.

That would need to wait for now as there still where some problems that needed to be apprehended soon.


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