▪︎ 06.

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Between their hectic load as fifth years and classes, the fifth years found little to no time to relax in their leisure activities.

So, on one such Sunday, Eliza, Claire, James, and Rehan decided not to touch their books and leave it for the weekdays to simply enjoy their weekend.

"Oh, come on! How have I managed to lose for the fifth time?" Claire whined as she and Eliza played chess, Eliza winning all five rounds.

James snickered. "Maybe you're just simply stupid." He said, earning a smack on the head.

"Have a round with me." Rehan said, taking up Claire's position.

Eliza shrugged. "You all do know that none of you have been able to defeat me since the first year, right?" Eliza said, scratching the back of her cat's (Tabby) ears.

"Don't boast Eliza. It's not good for health." Claire said grumpily.

"I know none of us have, but have you tried playing with others?" Rehan asked. "It might just be us who is bad at chess, and it originated from my country."

"Yes, I have. Even my family members couldn't defeat me." Eliza said, knocking one of Rehan's players.

"Anyone from Hogwarts?" Rehan asked, moving his piece to a place he thought was secure but got beaten up immediately.

"I mean, not a lot, I've played with almost everyone in our year and some people from the chess club." Eliza said.

"What'd they say?" Rehan questioned.

Eliza snorted. "They tried recruiting me into their team."

"Well, you could've joined the club." Rehan said pointedly, watching in dismay as his bishop getting trashed.

"And do what? I'm not interested in clubs. It's just a hobby that I'm good at." Eliza said. "Also, checkmate." Her cat jumped off from her lap.

Rehan sighed. "That round wasn't even satisfying."

"Let me have a go." James said, readying to get up.

"Don't even bother James, you're worse than me." Claire said and grinned.

"Make way! Make way!" Fred yelled through the common room. "Two incredibly handsome twins coming through!"

Everyone around them laughed. At a distance, Percy rolled his eyes at his younger brothers.

"Going on date with Myrtle or what?" James asked loudly.

The twins made a mock hurt expression. "Such accusations!" One of them said, going towards them.

"These faces are so much more worth than Myrtle! There are fine ladies in these walls!" George said, nodding his head.

James scoffed. "I have yet to find one."

Claire and Eliza looked affronted. "Excuse me," Claire said. "There are two more than fine women right here."

"Where?" James asked. "Can't see them anywhere."

Fred and George sniggered. "Shame Calliope, if you were in our year, you wouldn't have to deal with such dung brains." Pointing at Rehan and James.

"Hey!" James said, faking offense.

"Leave me out of this." Rehan said wearily.

"I know, right?" Claire agreed, glaring at James.

"You know, you both should start taking school more seriously than make fun." Percy said with authority.

"Oh shut up, Perce. Schools about fun, not beating yourself up with books." Fred said with an eye roll.

"At least don't disturb the ones who know the actual meaning of school." Percy said.

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