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Year 6

"Did you hear?" James said, filing his mouth with chicken.

"Hear air?" Claire said sarcastically, "Oh yes, it's very loud, isn't it, Eliza?"

James rolled his eyes, "They're saying Ron and Harry came to Hogwarts in a flying car."

Clang. Beside Eliza, a pair of fork and spoon fell, they all turned to Percy.

Quickly wiping his mouth with a napkin, he spoke, "What did you just say?" He questioned.

"Your brother and Harry Potter came to Hogwarts with a flying car. It's there in Daily Prophet's evening addition. Apparently, a few Muggles saw them as well." James further explained. "Imagine coming with a flying car, I'll add that to my bucket list."

"Flying car." Percy repeated, his voice hollow. "Flying car. Have they lost their minds?"

Eliza snorted, "Knowing the mess they were in last year, I wouldn't be surprised." She said.

"Why couldn't they have waited for mother and father? Why couldn't they send an owl? What were they thinking?" Percy questioned to himself, out loud.

"I don't think they were," Eliza said, a little concern rising through.

"It's not just that, Alexandera," Percy said, a little panic surfacing. "My father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, cars don't fly, do they? Mum was telling him not to tinker with them... why he doesn't listen, why he has to go around poking..."

"So... you're saying that...?" Eliza said.

"Father's going to be loads of trouble. Why can't people think for once? Why do they create trouble for themselves?" Percy asked, gritting his teeth.

"It wasn't like he was planning on using it, was he?" Eliza said, trying to comfort Percy.

"Still. He himself wrote the law he he goes against it. What good did that do?" Percy said.

Eliza frowned, "Don't say that. You should be more concerned about Ron and Harry than your father's law abiding." She said.

Percy sighed. From the High Table, Snape was missing, and so were Dumbledore and McGonagall, who left the Hall a few minutes before, presumably for Ron and Harry.

Once everyone had completed their plates with Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape returning, the utensils were wiped clean. Dumbledore got up from his seat, made the start-of-term announcement, and let the prefects lead the way for the first years.

"I'll meet you tonight, alright?" Eliza said with a wink as Percy, along with Holly, led the first years.

James skipped towards the Ravenclaws.

"Where are you going?" Rehan questioned loudly.

James scoffed, "To throw myself off. What else, Rehan?" He said, waving a bye and walking off.

Rehna rolled his eyes, realizing, "Oh, right."

"Aren't you going to go off with Oliver as well?" Claire asked, her voice bitter. "And you?" She turned towards Eliza.

"Excuse me? First of all, what do you mean by 'go off with Oliver' and second of all, who are you seeing?" Rehan asked Eliza.

Eliza glared at Claire. "I'm not seeing anyone." She said, folding her arms.

Rehan narrowed his eyes, "You guys are hiding something." He said.

"No, we're not." Eliza snapped. "Wattlebird." She said to the Fat Lady, and the portrait swung open, the three of them climbing through.

"Hang on," Claire said, "Does James even know the password?" She asked.

"I don't think so, Percy told me the password." Eliza replied.

Claire grinned evilly, "That's what he gets for running off with his Ravenclaw girlfriend."

"Yeah. I forgot you were completely jealous of Clearwater." Rehan said, tugging his tie.

"Oh shut up, Rehan."

The new years stood infront of Percy and Holly as they directed them to their dormitories. Not all of them rushed, though. A few students hung back, seeing as they knew some faces, excitedly talking to them.

As one such student, with flaming red hair, looking nervously at Fred and George, who were as usual teasing Percy.

"No, Fred. I will not cover for you both throwing Dungbombs on Filch." Percy said sternly.

"Are you Ginny?" Eliza said, breaking away from Rehan and Claire and walking towards the Weasley's, excluding Ron.

"Yes, I am." Ginny said, looking up at Eliza.

"You're so cute." Eliza said, messing up Ginny's hair and making her giggle.

"Who are you?" Ginny questioned.

"She, sister dearest, is the best-looking senior there is," George joked, grinning.

Eliza rolled her eyes. "Find someone your age, won't you?" She said as she glanced at Percy, who was pouting slightly. When his eyes caught Eliza's, he blushed a little and became too much interested in his Prefect badge.

"Typical George, can't even get a girl." Ginny said smugly.

George scoffed as Eliza laughed. "You are firey." She commented.


"What's gotten your wand in a knot?" Eliza asked as she approached Percy late at night in the common room.

"Nothing," Percy said as he continued staring at the flames in the fireplace.

"Don't lie." Eliza said, taking a seat beside Percy.

"It's nothing really – I was just thinking about what George said earlier." Percy said.

"He said a lot of things. You've got to be more specific." Eliza replied.

"When you were talking with Ginny." Percy said.

Eliza let out a small laugh as she recalled what George said. She sincerely couldn't believe that Percy was implying what she thought he was implying.

"Percy," Eliza called out, "Are you jealous of your own brother?" She asked, unable to contain the smile because of Percy.

Percy rolled his eyes, "I'm not jealous." He said his voice with dignity. "I just don't like sharing."

Eliza laughed again. "Share? Share? Oh, Merlin Percy..." She said, still laughing, her laugh sounding through the empty room. "However you managed to get twelve O.W.L.s, I'll never know."

"Don't laugh!" Percy said, huffing.

"You're – so – stupid." Eliza spoke between her laughter. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I'm not! Alexandera! Why are you laughing so much!?" Percy asked, frowing at Eliza but also partly embarrassed.

"Because!" Eliza said, rubbing the water from her eyes. "You really thought you'd have to share me with George! What am I? An object?"

"I didn't mean it as such." Percy told his face red, "Honestly, this is why I said nothing at first."

Eliza sighed happily, "I'd have never thought I would see the day Percy Weasley getting jealous over a girl." She said, grinning.

"I was not jealous!" Percy said hotly, "I'm not jealous! I'm—"

Eliza cut him off by holding his face in her hands, pressing her lips to his, smiling into the kiss.


LIFELINE | 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙮 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora