▪︎ 14.

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The teachers now piled up so much homework, so much that Eliza barely had time to think about Percy or anything at all. With their O.W.L.s only ten weeks away, people started panicking and started having several anxiety attacks, creating a surge of Calming Draughts.

The only ever time Eliza and Percy spoke freely was in the library – with hushed up words – while studying.

The only good outcome of the environment was Eliza had started spending more and more time with Percy and he her for the exams ahead. For the second time ever, Percy gave his notes to Eliza and only to her to help her with her subjects.

She shared most of her subjects with Percy, the only exceptions being, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination and Muggle Studies.

Eliza released a deep breath as she dropped her quill, "When the fifth year is over, I'm dropping Astronomy and History of Magic. I just can't with those two subjects."

"Why not?" Percy asked with a frown. "History of Magic is interesting."

"There's just too much to remember. Plus, I don't need to take it. I'm aiming to be an Auror."

"An Auror?" Percy asked, impressed. "That's pretty dangerous, isn't it?"

Eliza grinned, "Why do you think I'm in Gryffindor? I live for the danger." She said.

"What do you want to do?" She asked.

"I? I don't know, to be that honest. Of course, my brothers think I want to be Minister of Magic, but that's just codswallop." Percy said with an eye-roll. "I want to do something that brings change. No matter what I have to give up." He said determinedly.

"Give up anything?" Eliza asked. "Isn't that too big?"

"No, it isn't." Percy argued back.

"Like, would you give up the people you love for a change?" Eliza asked.

Percy pushed up his glasses as he mulled over Eliza's words. "I mean... I wouldn't if it came down to that. But I don't think it ever will."


"Come in, Miss Calderon." Professor McGonagall said as Eliza knocked to her room.

It was career counciling time. Leaflets were handed a week before, dotting on the various jobs the Wizarding World had to offer, but Eliza didn't mind all that. She was just as determined to become an Auror since the day she could understand her parents' work.

"Take a seat." Professor McGonagall said, indicating to the chair in front of her.

Confidently and without fear, Eliza took up the seat.

"So," Professor McGonagall said, "Miss Calderon, I'd say you're doing excellent in every subject. History of Magic and Astronomy are two of the subjects that are looking very bleak. Both of them have an 'P', and if you want to pursue it next year—"

"No," Eliza interrupted. "I plan on giving up those two subjects next year." She said.

"May I ask why?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking through her glasses.

"I'm planning to follow my parents' footsteps, Professor." Eliza said. "I'd like to become an Auror."

Professor McGonagall nodded her head. "Yes, then you can drop those subjects. I see you've also taken Aritamancy and Ancient Runes. Will you pass on those subjects as well?"

Eliza thought for a second, "I don't think I'll be giving them up. It seems like useful."

"They're not much needed in Auror training, but certainly if you may want." Professor McGonagall said. "Your Charms, Herbology, and Defense against the Dark Arts are extremely satisfying, Miss Calderon. All three of the teachers have given you an 'O'."

Eliza smiled.

"Your Transfiguration work is also good. I'd say you're ranging from 'E' to 'O', and apparently Professor Snape thinks the same in his subject." She explained. "You need to work a little more on Potions, Calderon. Professor Snape only allows N.E.W.T. students with an 'O'."

"And Transfiguration?" Eliza asked.

Professor McGonagall looked like she smiled. Her lips looked less thin anyway, "Yes, it's alright. I will take you in if you keep up the same score. Any more questions?" She asked.

"Yes," Eliza said, "There's an extra three years of Auror training, isn't it, Professor?"

"Yes, there are all sorts of amptitude and training. Only the best wands are taken in, so make sure you do well, Calderon. I believe you can make it if you work hard enough and same goes to your friend." McGonagall said.

Bewildered, Eliza asked, "Who?"

"Blackwood. He, too, seems determined to be an Auror." McGonagall replied. "I trust you have no more queries?"

"No, Professor, I'll send a letter to my parents if I have any other questions on Auror training." Eliza said.

"Well, then, this session is dismissed. You may go." Professor McGonagall said.


"James!" Eliza said as she found Rehan and James walking into the Great Hall for dinner, walking along with Claire.

Stopping and looking back at Eliza and waiting for them to walk beside them, he questioned, "Yeah, what?"

"Since when have you been trying to become an Auror?" Eliza questioned.

"You want to become an Auror?" Rehan and Claire asked at the same time and then looked at each other.

Sheepishly, James shrugged, "I've looked into the pamphlets handed, none of them looked appealing except an Auror. So I told McGonagall I wanted to focus on it." He said as they reached the Gryffindor table and sat down.

"Great then, you and I can join the Auror office at the same time." Eliza said, patting James' back.

"I've told McGonagall that I'll be a Healer. It's useful and also not dangerous." Rehan said, piling chicken into his plate.

"What about you, Claire?" James asked, turning to the blonde girl.

"I'm not sure. McGonagall suggested something interesting – to become a Daily Prophet reporter. She said I have the guts to be a reporter." Claire replied.

"If it means you won't be as foul as Rita Skeeter, then high speed ahead." James told.

Claire rolled her eyes, "If I become a reporter, James. Although, I assure you, I won't be like that insect."

James looked doubtfully, "Can't say, you're both blonde." He said, grinning.

Claire scoffed. "Excuse me, just because I'm blonde doesn't mean I'm a bitch." She said, folding her arms, mid way through eating.

"I don't know about blonde. You definitely are." James teased.

"Take that back!" Claire shouted. "I'm not a bitch! James you—"

Rehan and Eliza rolled their eyes, starting a separate conversation.

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