▪︎ 22.

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It was soon after the results that Elixa and Jane set out to Diagon Alley for the New Year's textbooks and to stock up on the ingredients that were running low. There were numerous amount of books to buy – especially Gilderoy Lockhart's. The teacher must've really adored the guy.

"You need new robes as well, Elizabeth. Your old ones won't be fitting you anymore." Jane said.

Percy had asked whether she'd be able to meet him in Diagon Alley, but much to their dismay, they couldn't coordinate their dates and were forced to gulp down the hope of seeing each other earlier than September first.

Although today Eliza ran into her dorm-mate Ruby outside of Florean Fortescue's and a senior Hufflepuff outside of Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"Should I go into Madame Malkin's while you get Lockhart's books?" Eliza asked.

Jane pondered, "Yes, that's seems like a good idea." She said finally.

Eliza and Jane separated their ways.

Within the hour, they had gotten all their supplies. If anything, they had time to extract extra change from Gringotts and have ice cream.

Much to Eliza's excitement, September first drew near. Her insides squirmed, withdrawing her from making elaborate sentences or anything really.

"Have you packed?" Jane asked, poking her head through Eliza's door.

To Eliza's horror, she was reading a letter from Percy. She normally would've pretended like it was a casual letter, but Jane had a knack for things like these. Nothing was passed under Jane's eye.

Hastily, Eliza tried hiding the letter behind her back.

Maybe if she hadn't done that, Jane wouldn't have noticed, but she caught it immediately. Jane narrowed her eyes.

"Whose letter are you hiding?" Jane asked, now pushing the door to the fullest and folding her arms across her chest.

"Claire's. We were planning on throwing a massive Dungbomb on Filch as soon as we arrived." Eliza lied.

"Why hide that?" Jane asked suspiciously.

"It's not exactly best behavior, is it?" Eliza questioned back, praying that Jane would believe her lie.

It wasn't like she didn't want to tell Jane. Eliza was perfectly content on telling her parents and Jane and everyone, but she felt like it wasn't the greatest time to do it.

"Were you and Claire planning that the entire summer?" Jane asked, catching Eliza off guard. "Oh yes, I've noticed the number of times you've borrowed Barry."

"Come off of it, Jane. I have friends. More than before, hence the usage of Barry." Eliza lied again.

"That many to write them the entire summer?" Jane asked, raising a brow.

Eliza laughed nervously, more nervous than the day she found out about her O.W.L.s.

"What can I say? I'm popular." Eliza replied.

To her greatest luck, the letter she held behind her back slipped from her hands and right in the middle of Jane and Eliza. Eliza made a look of exasperation, and one where she looked like she was about to cry.

Jane's eyes flicked to the letter, landing right on Percy's signature.

"Bullocks, I can't do this anymore." Eliza said, picking up the letter and carefully placing it on her desk.

"Care to explain?" Jane asked with a smirk.

"Alright, alright," Eliza said. "Just don't tell Mum and dad, will you? It's too early to tell anything."

"Woman's honor," Jane replied.

"I have a boyfriend, Jane. His name is Percy." Eliza said, inhaling deeply, scared on what Jane might say.

Would she tell her parents?

"Ooh, boyfriend?" Jane asked a girlish smile on her lips. "Since when?"

Eliza chuckled. "You know that was not the reaction I was expecting." She said.

Jane tutted, "Oh please, I've had boyfriends before my husband."

"Boyfriends?" Eliza asked, raising an eyebrow herself.

"Shh, my husband gets jealous. Don't let him hear this." Jane said, grinning.

Eliza laughed. Telling Jane released a lot of weight off her back.


Percy's hands were itching to see Eliza. Taking patrolling the train as an excuse, he searched compartment after compartment. He was so involved in searching for Eliza that the fact that Ron and Harry didn't board the train slipped to the back of his mind.

"Percy!" A voice called out from behind.

Turning back, he saw Hermione rushing towards him. He frowned.

"Yes?" Percy asked formally.

"Have you seen Ron and Harry? They're nowhere on the train." Hermione asked anxiously.

"No, I haven't seen them. I'm pretty sure they're somewhere. They can't miss the train." Percy said.

"They're not there anywhere!" Hermione said again, a little hysterical. "I've searched for them everywhere Percy, they're simply not on this train!"

"Calm down, Hermione. I'll tell Professor McGonagall as soon as we reach Hogwarts. I can't do anything about it now." Percy replied, turning and walking away.

How had those two missed the train? They were just behind him. He had half a mind to send an owl to the Gryffindor Head right now.

Passing a few compartments on thought, he spotted a familiar streak of brunette. But, as soon as reaching the hair, he silently groaned in frustration as it was a Slytherin student.

"Watch it," She hissed.

Percy threw her a scathing look.

Did Eliza miss the train as well with Ron and Harry? Percy thought. He had to force himself to such thinking because he simply refused to believe that Eliza wasn't seeking him out.

Maybe he was going in the wrong direction? Mid-step Percy turned around and started walking in that direction. But he had started from the last compartment, she wasn't seen until now. He didn't even find any of her friends to atleast ask them.

He changed direction again. It was very unlike him to be fickle minded. He followed the path of his footsteps, hoping that he'd reach her.

In his direction of walk, he ran into Oliver. They had small talk before they separated direction again.

When Percy finally thought of giving up and finding a seat, he looked up to find Eliza peering at compartment doors and having to forcefully greet the people in.

As soon as Eliza closed the door with a small eye roll, their eyes met.

Percy stopped in track. She had seriously gotten a lot more beautiful through the summer. Her hair grew longer, and her features were a little more defined.

"Hi." Eliza said as she reached him, a grin across her face.

Percy opened his mouth to greet her but didn't say a single word. He just stared, embarrassed at himself, looking away.

"Cat got your tongue?" Eliza teased, expecting such reaction.

"N-no, I just – hi." He said finally.

He was in for it, and he knew it.

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